The annual ABLD Conference was held virtually again in 2022, and a panel of colleagues from our international partners were invited to provide an update on their activities. We were very fortunate to host representatives from the Asia Pacific Business School Librarians’ Group (ABSLG), European Business School Librarians’ Group (EBSLG) and the CLADEA-Directors of Information Centers group, to discuss how their member libraries were affected by and adjusted to extraordinary events such as the pandemic and the war in Ukraine. It was a fascinating discussion, and I’d like to personally thank Nikolaus Berger, Kitty Delaney and Liliana Luchi for adjusting their schedules to join us in real time. It was amazing to learn that we shared many of the same challenges over the past two years but also to learn of their unique situations. Summaries of each discussion follow and I encourage you to read the short pieces for a deeper understanding of business librarianship across the globe.
How to Cite
Walesby, L. L., (2022) “Global Focus: Introduction”, Ticker: The Academic Business Librarianship Review 7(2): 3. doi: