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About the Staff

Author: UMURJ Editors (University of Michigan)

  • About the Staff


    About the Staff


How to Cite:

Editors, U., (2021) “About the Staff”, University of Michigan Undergraduate Research Journal 15. doi:



Dani Maydan

Dani is a senior from California studying Psychology and Neuroscience. She has been a part of UMURJ for three years, previously serving as Copy Editor for the Life Sciences department and head of PR for the journal. Outside of UMURJ, she works at the Lyssiotis lab. After graduating, she plans to pursue a masters in public health and then medical school.

Michaela Yamine

Michaela Yamine is a senior from Michigan studying Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology and Evolutionary Anthropology. She has been a part of UMURJ for three years, previously serving as a Copy Editor and Associate Editor in the Social Sciences Department. Outside of the Journal, she works at the Science Learning Center and in a structural biology laboratory. After graduating, she plans to pursue a Ph.D. in developmental and evolutionary biology.

Associate Editors

Life Sciences

Ani Dagar

Ani is a sophomore at Michigan studying Neuroscience. Ani is originally from Troy, MI but spent 6 years of his life living in Pune, India. At UMURJ, Ani is an Associate editor for the Life Sciences, which will help gear him towards his dream of becoming a medical practitioner. Ani was born in the UM Hospital and currently does research there at the cancer center and the MCTP lab.

Nina Reddy

Nina Reddy is a sophomore from Merritt Island, Florida, studying Neuroscience. She is working as a research assistant in the Division of Genetic Medicine studying the molecular processes that drive cancer progression. Outside of serving a Life Sciences Associate Editor, she is a volunteer for Project Sunshine and is part of a professional pre­med fraternity. In her free time, she enjoys exploring new restaurants and binging on YouTube commentary videos.


Natasha Badami



Social Sciences

Ayse Eldes

Ayse is a sophomore from Chicago studying Economics. She is currently a research assistant in the UM Political Science Department and on the investigative team of the Michigan Daily. Ayse is interested in pursuing a graduate degree in economics and contributing to the intersection of data journalism and social science research. In her free time, she enjoys portrait painting and playing guitar. She is an associate editor for social sciences at UMURJ.

Madhulika Shastry

Madhulika is a junior from Irvine, CA, majoring in Biopsychology, Cognition, & Neuroscience (BCN) and Cognitive Science. In addition to working for UMURJ as a Social Sciences Associate Editor, Madhulika is a research assistant in a cultural neuroscience lab under Dr. Shinobu Kitayama. There, she runs multiple projects assessing the varieties of interdependence in cultures through EEG studies and surveys. Apart from UMURJ, she is the Events Chair for the University of Michigan chapter of Psi Chi. She hopes to attend graduate school and earn a Ph.D. in behavioral sciences.


Kaitlyn Hines

Kaitlyn is from a small town in Northern Michigan called East Jordan. She is a senior, and her majors are Environment and Biology, Health, & Society. She has been a part of UMURJ for three years, and currently she is an Associate Editor for Humanities. In addition to UMURJ, she is also the President of the Medical and Public Health Chapters of Global Brigades. After she graduates this spring, she is hoping to work as an Environmental Scientist or a Biologist for a few years before returning to school for a master’s degree in Public Health or Environmental Science. Outside of school, she likes hiking, baking, and watching movies with her friends!

Tristan Sirls

Tristan Sirls is a junior from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan studying Philosophy and Cognitive Science. He serves as an Associate Editor for Humanities, and in the future he wants to practice law in some way. A fun fact about Tristan is that he has a gene that makes cilantro taste like soap.

Copy Editors

Amogh Angadi

Amogh is a freshman from Troy, MI, studying Biomedical Engineering. After graduating, he plans on attending medical school to become a physician­scientist. In addition to being a natural sciences copy editor at UMURJ, Amogh does tissue engineering research in Dr. Joseph Decker’s lab.

Lynsey Randolph

Lynsey Randolph is from Ashtabula, Ohio, is a junior double majoring in psychology and neuroscience with plans of attending graduate school to obtain a Ph.D. in forensic psychology. She is a copy editor for the life sciences in UMURJ. A fun fact about her is that this summer she became a certified barista, and she enjoys working at Black Diesel Coffee as a second job.

Julia Sanowski

Julia is from Glen Rock, NJ, majoring in Applied Exercise Science. After graduating, she hopes to attend medical school. She is a Life Science Copy Editor for UMURJ as well as a student researcher in a Physical Activity and Health Lab. In her free time, she enjoys working out, listening to music, taking walks, hanging out with friends, and playing with her dog!

Sarah Tolchin

Sarah is a junior from Atlanta, Georgia, and is double majoring in Political Science and History with a minor in Law, Justice, and Social Change. After graduating, she is interested in attending law school and hopes to work in public policy. In her free time, she likes to develop, process, and print her film photography.

Olga Tsuker

Olga is a senior from West Bloomfield, MI, majoring in Biopsychology, Cognition, and Neuroscience. After graduation, she hopes to enter the medical field in order to bridge disparities within a community’s access to care. In addition to serving as an editor at UMURJ, Olga works for Michigan Medicine and the Center for Healthcare Engineering and Patient Safety. In her free time, she enjoys being actively involved in numerous patient­based research labs and global health design teams.

Yaman Qalieh

Yaman is a junior from Michigan studying neuroscience and computer science. In addition to working as a Copy Editor at UMURJ, he is also the Open­Source Development Lead at the Michigan Hackers. In his free time, Yaman likes to program, read comics, and play real time strategy games. After graduating, Yaman hopes to enter medical school.