The Journal is unable to review all books received, yet we thank the authors and publishers for thinking of us. Here are recent arrivals, for readers’ information:

Edward T. Cotham, Jr. Juneteenth: The Story Behind the Celebration (Kerrville, Tex.: State House Press, 2021). 311 pp., hc.

John Cribb. The Rail Splitter (N.Y.: Republic, 2023). 384 pp., hc. A novel, seriously researched and finely written, covering 1828 to 1860.

Richard Fritzky. Unfading Light: The Sustaining Insight and Inspiration of Abraham Lincoln (Lanham, Md: Hamilton Books / Rowman & Littlefield, 2021). 232 pp., pb. He asked 45 individuals devoted to Lincoln what they found in him.

Steven A. Goldman. One More War to Fight: Union Veterans’ Battle for Equality Through Reconstruction, Jim Crow, and the Lost Cause (Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2023). 439 pp., hc., by a psychiatrist and director of the Abraham Lincoln Institute.

Harold Holzer. Monument Man: The Life & Art of Daniel Chester French (Hudson, N.Y.: Princeton Architectural Press, 2019). 367 pp., hc. Deeply researched, well illustrated.

Jerry M. Kantor. Sane Asylums: The Success of Homeopathy Before Psychiatry Lost its Mind (Rochester, Vt.: Healing Arts Press, 2022). 269 pp., pb. Mary Lincoln gets 1 of the 12 chapters, with an argument against drug treatment. (This book also explains how psychiatric hospitals by 1888 formed teams for ‘baseball therapy.’)

Donald Motier. He Had Rare Lights: A Biography of William Wallace Lincoln (Harrisburg, Pa.: Outskirts Press, 2019), 190 pp., pb. Not entirely documented.

Steven K. Rogstad. You Can Fool All of the People All of the Time: The Lincoln Stories of Helen Brainard Cole (Janesville: Historical Bulletin #73 of the Lincoln Fellowship of Wisconsin). 33 pp., pb.