1 Introduction
In the 1990s, two ideasâone normative, the other empiricalâcaptured the public imagination. The normative idea is that, in light of evidently increasing rates of extinction, âsaving biodiversityâ should be conservationâs premier goal. The empirical idea is a causal thesisânamely, that biodiversity is causally responsible for the functional attributes of ecosystems. Ecologists yoked these two ideas together. Their thought (which §2.2 sets out in their own words) was that, by âdemonstratingâ biodiversityâs causal role in determining ecosystem functions and by tying these functions to services that benefit humankind, they could provide a scientifically unassailable basis for a mandate to conserve biodiversity.
That, in a nutshell, is what launched a program of ecological research dedicated to the mission of making biodiversityâs causal salience irrefragable. This program became the ecological subdiscipline of Biodiversity Ecosystem Function or âBEFâ research. From a handful of modest studies in the 1990s, it ballooned into what is now one of the biggest, most lavishly funded, and institutionally entrenched research programs of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Its size and impact on ecological science can be read off its enormous publication footprint. BEF research now consumes the scientific energy of many hundreds of scientists who, at a dizzying pace, add to many thousands of existing publications, which all revolve around the supposition that biodiversity is a significant or even dominant causal force in ecosystem functioning.1
Enormous, too, is the commitment of resources to conservation organizations that, to a significant degree, operate under the influence of the idea of preserving biodiversity in order to preserve ecosystem services. The Nature Conservancy (2021 revenues of $1.8 billion), the World Wildlife Fund (2021 revenues of $451 million), and Conservation International (2021 revenues of $218 million) collectively spend the lionâs share of the worldâs conservation dollars on programs at least partly underwritten by this idea.2 The mission of preserving biodiversity specifically in order to preserve ecosystem services is also conspicuously sponsored by the United Nations: The United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) (2021 revenues of $1.02 billion) provides secretariat services to the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) (2018â2021 revenues, including from thirty-one of its 140 member nations, and in-kind contributions of $22 million). That latter organizationâs very name all but announces its dedication to promoting ecosystem services by means of conserving biodiversity. By its own accounting (https://ipbes.net/about), the IPBES alone taps the energy of thousands of scientists across the globe who continually labor to expand an already monumental library of documents (numbering nearly 2,000 listed at https://ipbes.net/library as of this writing), including 247 âAssessments on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Servicesâ (https://catalog.ipbes.net/assessments/), which promote, elaborate, and declaim policy based on this mission.
In short, overwhelming and overwhelmingly entrenched acceptance of the empirical thesis that biodiversity is a significant causal determinant of ecosystem functions aligns with similarly overwhelming and overwhelmingly entrenched acceptance of the normative conservation thesis that, via some supposed connection of ecosystem functions to ecosystem services, this causal relationship mandates biodiversityâs conservation. Yet no systematic review of either thesis has been undertaken by anyone who is not already directly or indirectly committed to them.3 This essay fills this enormously consequential lacuna.
Hundreds of thousands of pages have been written in support of the causal thesis and thousands more have rationalized biodiversityâs conservation by reference to it.4 Even back in 2011, Cardinale et al. observed, âthere has been an exponential increase in the number of diversity experiments, and the number of publications has more than tripled since 2006 when earlier databases were put togetherâ (2011, 573). The pace of publication has only increased since then. Nevertheless, concise examination of the causal thesis is possible because essentially all experimental data held to be evidence for it derives from experiments that (a) attempt to test the causal influence of species richness by manipulating levels of that variable while observing consequent levels of some ecosystem function, and (b) share interpretive and analytic assumptions (perhaps the only ones possible) to parse these data as evidence of species richnessâ causal influence on the ecosystem function.5 We can therefore set aside other details to ask the heretofore-unasked question: Do the data produced by experiments characterized by these essential methodological and analytic elements constitute credible causal evidence for biodiversityâs causal influence?
Section 2 lays a conceptual and methodological foundation for answering this question by pinpointing minimal requirements for causal evidence, which are dictated by the distinguishing characteristics of causal relationships. Section 3 then asks whether data from experiments that manipulate species richness meet these evidential requirements. It finds that these data fall short of credibility as causal evidence because experiments count (and most likely cannot avoid counting) every data point at every level of richness as evidence of the impact of richness at that level, yet some enormous number have no causal relevance at all. Section 4 then examines the particular, standardly utilized analysis of experimental data, which âadditively partitionsâ species richnessâ supposed causal influence by resolving it into summed terms. It shows that the presumed causal significance of this sum-of-terms representation is wholly undermined by the fact that it merely restates a stipulative definition in algebraically equivalent terms.
Section 5 follows BEF scienceâs tack from species richness to functional diversity as the biodiversity factor that is supposed to impact ecosystem functions. It again asks whether data that are held to be evidence for this twin thesis meet basic requirements for causal significance. In this case, a negative answer follows from its particular use of HARKing (constructing Hypotheses After the Results Are Known) in which (a) data for some ecosystem function are culled from previously conducted species richness experiments and (b) correlation of functional diversity with that ecosystem function is achieved by choosingâfrom among an infinitude of differing and often contradicting, yet biologically qualified formulations of functional diversityâsome formulation that makes it correlate.
Section 6 then answers another heretofore-unasked question: Setting aside whether or not biodiversity is, in fact, a cause of ecosystem functions, what argument, exactly, runs from that premise to the proposition that biodiversity is a cause of ecosystem services, and on to the conclusion that biodiversity ought to be conserved? By fully spelling out this previously unarticulated argument, each step can be seen to rely on a questionable assumption, invalid logic, or both.
Section 7 draws some conclusions about what these findingsâabout a conservation commitment and a scientific commitment to support itâentail for ecological science, for conservation, and for the conduct of science more generally.
2 Causal relationships and causal evidence in biology and BEF science
2.1 What distinguishes causal relationships
Causal relationships are the gold standard of scientific and even everyday explanation, arguably because they tell us how some outcome can be brought about when some (other) thingsâits causesâare changed. Causal relationships are in this sense difference-making (Woodward 2003). Woodwardâs account of causality as, saliently, difference-making, is but one of many. However, I believe it to be more accommodating of an hypothesized causal relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functions than others: If that relationship is thought to be causal, then I believe that Woodwardâs account gives it pretty much its best shot to qualify.6
The difference-making quality that is central to Woodwardâs account of causal relationships is absent from other sorts of relationships, such as predictive, proxy, classificatory, descriptive, mereological, and logical ones. In the well-worn example: The fact that movement of the pressure indicator on a barometer is reliably change-relating with respect to weather conditions makes this movement predictive of oncoming storms. But one cannot cause a storm to approach by moving that indicator. In the biological domain, the fact that opossums are good proxies for overall mammalian species richness in the Amazon (SebastiĂŁo and Grelle 2009) does not entail that the number of other mammal species resident in the Amazon can be changed by introducing or removing Amazonian Didelphimorphs.
The salient point for BEF research is that, if biodiversity is not a cause of ecosystem functioning, but rather, merely (say) a predictor or a proxy for it, then one should not expect, for example, that reducing it will reduce levels of ecosystem functions.
2.2 BEF research as research about biodiversityâs causal influence
One might still ask: Do BEF scientists actually suppose that their research concerns biodiversity as a causal factor in determining ecosystem functions?7 At least three factors make it clear that they do. The first is that it would otherwise be incoherent for them to routinely decry loss of biodiversity in the very first sentence of papers and press for its conservation on the grounds that its loss entails loss of ecosystem services. Representative is a paper by three of BEF scienceâs most central figures, Tilman, Isbell, and Cowles (2012). Their very first sentence makes it clear that their principal concern is with the loss of biodiversity and their very last makes clear their concern to conserve (or restore) it for the ecosystem services they suppose it to provide:
Although the impacts of the loss of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning are well established, the importance of the loss of biodiversity relative to other human-caused drivers of environmental change remains uncertain. (Tilman et al. 2012, 10394)
⊠contemporary biodiversity declines are among the dominant drivers of changes in ecosystem functioning, and that restoration of biodiversity in managed and seminatural ecosystems may be an efficient way to restore desired ecosystem services. (Tilman et al. 2012, 10397)
BEF scientistsâ concern to find evidence for biodiversity as a causal factor is, secondly, also evident from the BEF research enterpriseâs heavy investmentâin money, time, scientific personnel, and careersâin experimentation that seeks to manipulate species richness as an independent variable and observe consequent changes on ecosystem functions. Cardinale et al. (2009, 854):
summarize the results of 164 experiments (reported in 84 publications) that have manipulated the richness of primary producers, herbivores, detritivores, or predators in a variety of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems âŠ
Cardinale et al. (2011, 574) then claimed (without documentation) to have found 410 more experiments that attempted to manipulate species richness:
The updated data set included 574 independent manipulations of species richness published in 192 peer-reviewed papers reporting 1417 diversity effect sizes.
These experiments formed the basis of their opening sentence:
Over the past several decades, a rapidly expanding field of research known as biodiversity and ecosystem functioning has begun to quantify how the worldâs biological diversity can, as an independent variable, control ecological processes that are both essential for, and fundamental to, the functioning of ecosystems. (Cardinale 2011, 572)
Manipulating an ecological variable is a time- and labor-intensive task; ecologists undertake it only when they believe it holds promise for producing evidence that the manipulated variable causes changes in some other variable.
Third, the active, agential language that BEF scientists routinely employ to characterize biodiversityâs role in ecosystems can only be sensibly interpreted as causal. Tilman et al. (2012, 10394, 10397) claim that, without qualification, biodiversity is a dominant driver of productivity.8 Tilman et al. (2014, 471, 172) claim that, without qualification, biodiversity is a major determinant [my italics here and below] of productivity. Cardinale et al. (2007, 18123, 18125, 18126, 18127, 18128), Isbell et al. (2013, 11911, 11915), and Tilman et al. (2014, 471â475, 481, 484â488) all claim, again with no qualification, that biodiversity impacts biomass production. Isbell et al. (2018, 763), like many other BEF scientists, build biodiversityâs supposed agency into their paperâs title: âQuantifying the effects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning.â Also in their title, Cardinale et al. (2013, 1697) assert, âBiodiversity simultaneously enhances the production and stability of community biomass, but the effects are independent.â And Cardinale et al. (2012, 60) state, âIn the sections that follow, we summarize how biological variation per se acts as an independent variable to affect the functions and services of ecosystems.â
These statements are but drops in an ocean of similar ones that continually and unambiguously declare biodiversityâs causal salience. Indeed, some BEF researchers more straightforwardly employ the word âcause.â For example, Roscher et al. (2005, 419) declare that they are interested in âclear causal relationships between species richness and ecosystem productivity âŠ.â And Selmants et al. (2012, 723) suppose that âOver the past 20 years, many manipulative experimental studies have demonstrated causal linkages between species richness and a wide variety of ecosystem processes including productivity, resource use and resistance to invasion.â
2.3 Mechanisms and non-mechanistic causal relationships
BEF scientists understandably express concern about identifying mechanisms through which biodiversity (they suppose) exerts its causal influence. And they commonly characterize additive partitioning, the basis of BEF causal analysis discussed in Section 4, as representing mechanisms for biodiversityâs causal influence. Multiple confusions regarding mechanisms in the BEF literature therefore make it important to understand the sense of âmechanismâ in which the quest to identify them is legitimate, and to avoid conflating that quest with one for a mechanistic model. Additionally, it is important to understand that the hypothesis that biodiversity is a causal factor in ecosystems should not be summarily dismissed merely on the grounds that there is no settled theory of the mechanisms that might underlie its operation.
Insofar as mechanisms are understood to be intermediary or mediating causes, the concern of BEF scientists to find them for biodiversityâs supposed causal action aligns with broad scientific concern to find finer-grained causal explanations. For example, a drug for which there already is compelling evidence for its efficacy in causing recovery is often the subject of pharmacological research that seeks mechanismsâthe drugâs biochemical and physical-chemical propensities for interacting with particular target molecules at particular sitesâthrough which it produces its pharmacological effects. At the same time, the fact that the mechanism of action for many efficacious drugs is unknown does not (or should not) call into question the credibility of causal evidence for their efficacy. In a similar way, the evidence for biodiversityâs causal action on ecosystem functions can stand or fall without reference to any mechanism through which it may be thought to operate.
On the other hand, if there did turn out to be credible evidence that biodiversity is a cause of ecosystem functioning, no one should expect the mechanisms of this causal relationship to fit a narrowly mechanistic model. This model is characterized by operation of a stable set of stable things arranged in some stable spatio-temporal organization, which have stable, modular causal roles (DuprĂ© 2013). An archetypical example is the rotation of a bicycleâs pedals, which causes it to move forward via the fixed, pre-determined intermeshing of chainring, chain, rear cog, and rear wheel.
Narrowly mechanistic models do have widespread application in biology. One example is Davidson et al.âs (2002) causal explanation of how undifferentiated embryonic cells develop into specialized tissue by reference to the fixed spatial (and temporal) organization of a fixed inventory of cis-regulatory elements and transcribing genes. However, many apparently causal explanations in biology are not narrowly mechanistic. Among them are an entire genre of network-based explanations in which topological properties are supposed to play a causal role in determining other properties of the network (Huneman 2010). These sorts of explanations are prominent in explaining the behavior of gene regulatory networks, biochemical networks that feature bioprotein-protein interactions and metabolic pathways, and, in the realm of ecology, trophic networks (Dunne 2006; Montoya et al. 2006). For example, it has been proposed that a trophic networkâs property of being scale-free may help to causally explain why species that are very highly connected to others in the network are relatively unaffected by random exodus of other species. It has also been proposed that a trophic networkâs property of being small-world causes a network to be more vulnerable to destabilization. If biodiversity were, in fact, causally determining of ecosystem functions, it would simply be one among these other causes that are not mechanistically elaborated.
Of course, topological properties of networks have internal structure that is wholly absent from an ecosystemâs property of being more or less biodiverse. But this difference does not obviously disqualify biodiversity as a candidate causal factor in (non-mechanistically) determining other ecosystem properties.
2.4 Requirements for causal evidence
Evaluating the credibility of evidence for biodiversityâs supposed causal influence on ecosystem functions requires first asking a foundational question: What sorts of data constitute credible evidence for its operation? Very crudely speaking, evidence may derive from two different sorts of observational procedures. Evidence might be drawn from observations of unmanipulated systems, commonly called observational data. Alternatively, evidence might be produced experimentally, by manipulating the candidate causal variable, setting it to various values, and observing any consequent changes in the value of other variables that characterize the system. These are commonly called experimental data.
Observational data may be compiled into either comparative datasets or change-relating datasets. Certain pervasive problems tend to limit the merits of both these kinds of datasets as causal evidence for any hypothesized causal relationship, including biodiversityâs to ecosystem functioning.9 A comparative dataset records, and consequently allows comparison of, observed levels of species richness and concomitant levels of productivity across some number of distinct ecosystems. With regard to such a dataset, species richness is âvaried,â not in an active sense relating to its manipulation, but rather only in the figurative sense that different ecosystems, with characteristics that differ in any number of respects, also differ in the number of resident species. This severely limits what can be inferred from them about the causal influence of species richness on productivity, which is a matter of the difference in productivity that would be made in an ecosystem by increasing or decreasing that ecosystemâs number of species.
Even an imaginary world unlike ours, where the productivity of ecosystems always and without exception varied directly with the number of species, would leave open the question whether that correlation evidenced species richness acting as cause on productivity, productivity acting as cause on species richness, or some other factor acting as cause on both. The deficiencies in this evidence would be similar to deficiencies in the evidence for the causal influence of shadows consisting in observations that longer shadows invariably correlate with the greater height of adjacent flagpoles.
In our actual world, jointly observed levels of species richness and productivity display nothing approximating an exceptionless pattern of covariance. For example, not uncommonly, ecosystems with low levels of species richness are highly productive. That can be true in aquatic ecosystems with respect to phytoplankton and algal species richness, salt marshes, freshwater marshes, and forests of bamboo, redwood, Douglas fir, and eucalyptus, as well as tropical and temperate zone riparian forests (Huston and McBride 2002). More generally, co-variation of species richness with productivity appears to defy any simple correlational pattern. It can even vary with trophic level within a single ecosystem. However, even a well-established, universally observed pattern of co-variation would, on its own, constitute fragile evidence for how species richness causally connects with ecosystem functions.10
Scientists therefore look to observational data sets that are change-relating. Unlike comparative datasets, these track the co-present levels of variables over timeâor alternatively, over some limited spaceâwithin each of some number of monitored ecosystems. Because they relate changes over time, their causal relevance is not undermined by the existence of speciose ecosystems with low levels of productivity or of species-depauperate ecosystems with high levels of the productivity. Yet they still lack the capacity to robustly evidence a difference-making relationship in which a change in productivity is consequent on a change imposed on species richness.
Multiple factors underlie this evidential limitation. One is that correlations between species richness and productivity may be due to productivityâs determination of species richness. Even a cyclic relationship would undermine the claim that observational data compiled into change-relating datasets would be evidentially equivalent to experimental manipulation of species richness. More obvious problems arise from the confounding effects of uncontrolled and possibly highly correlated factorsâamong them: availability of nutrients and water; temperature mean, range, and fluctuation; frequency and nature of disturbances; and the presence of both competitive and facilitative organisms.
Little is gained by presuming that changes in some ecosystem variable over time can be validly represented by its value gradient over space within the ecosystem. This does not solve problems that arise from the possibility of cyclic relationships. Nor does it generally solve the problem of confounding candidate causes of productivity because those factors commonly covary with spatial productivity gradients.
All told, while observational data can provide valuable confirming evidence for causal relationships, their limitations as the sole basis for inferring causality generally place the burden of causal evidence on experiments that manipulate the candidate causal variable.11 That fact is acknowledged explicitly by some BEF scientists (Roscher 2005), and implicitly by the many hundreds of scientists who have undertaken multiple hundreds of experiments that attempt to manipulate species richness in order to produce evidence for its causal determination of productivity and other ecosystem functions (§2.2). However, the credibility of evidence that these experiments afford depends on their meeting some basic requirements that apply to all causal relationshipsâwhether mechanistic or not, and including the one hypothesized for species richnessâ determination of productivity.
When species richness, represented below by the variable name âRâ, is the candidate causal variable, and R is posited to be a contributing cause of productivity, represented as âPâ, then the difference-making quality of causes suggests12 that manipulation of R can provide credible evidence that R causally influences P when an experiment:
employs some means of intervening on R or (as Section 3 explains) of simulating interventions on R that
change the value of R by some particular amount Îr, while
fixing the values of other variables in the systemâvariables other than R that might also causally influence P yet are not on the path via which R is supposed to change Pâsuch that13
the collection ÎR of particular changes Îr imposed on R are stably associated with concomitant or consequent changes ÎP in P.
3 Experimental evidence for species richness as cause
Conditions (1)â(4) describe what should be expected of a species richness-manipulating experiment to produce credible evidence that species richness causally affects productivity. I shall focus on productivity in assessing how well these conditions are met both because productivity has been the most prominent effect variable in BEF experimentation and because the basic requirements for causal credibility appear to be indifferent to which ecosystem functionâwhether productivity, zoonotic disease suppression, or stabilityâspecies richness is supposed to influence.
I shall also focus on what is known as the random draw design for manipulating species richness as a candidate causal variable. There are again two reasons: This design is the benchmark and reference for producing essentially all the data that the BEF research community holds up as direct evidence for BEF scienceâs central claimâthat species richness causally determines an ecosystemâs productivity independent of which species happen to reside in it.14 As well, if you wish to manipulate species richness in a way that isolates that variable from covarying variables that represent the presence of particular species or particular collections of species, then randomizing the selection of species is not merely the obvious design choice, it may be the only available one.15
As condition (1) suggests, BEF experiments utilizing random draw do not actually intervene on R. Instead, they simulate interventions on R. They accomplish this by comparing the productivity observed in R-differing treatments, the specific composition of which are determined by random draw (without replacement) of species from an antecedently determined pool of, typically, 8 to 32 speciesâa number represented below by the variable name âNâ. With respect to any two treatments that differ in species richness R, the standard analysis interprets one treatment as the state of an ecosystemâs species richness before intervention and the other as the state of that ecosystemâs species richness afterwards. Analyses of BEF experiments treat these R-differing pairs of treatments as simulating interventions that are R-changing.
Simulating interventions on a candidate causal variable in this way is a perfectly legitimate means of probing hypothesized causal connections. Drug trials are a convenient reference. These experiments, too, often must contend with factors that may confound the action of the relevant Boolean causal variable D (0 = drug not taken; 1 = drug taken). Drug trials typically resort to simulating D-changing interventions because no single patient is both given the drug and also not given it.
However, in a BEF species-richness random-draw âtrial,â a crucial questionânowhere considered in the BEF scientific literatureâarises: In simulating R-changing interventions, what variable, exactly, is being manipulated? According to a number-changing interpretation, a pair of treatments qualifies as simulating an R-changing intervention strictly on the basis of a difference in the number of species assigned to themâthat is, without qualification or restriction with regard to which particular species with which particular characteristics enter into either the before-intervention count or the after-intervention count. Although another interpretation is discussed later in this Section, this one may initially appear to be the only one possible. And it is the one and only one that BEF researchers, without applying that label, employ when they interpret differences in productivity between any two R-differing treatments as evidence that their difference in species richness is causally responsibleâwithout qualification or restriction with respect to which particular species are in these treatments.
The number-changing interpretive stance has a striking implication. It entails that, in statistically analyzing the productivity data to assess the causal impact of a change in species richness, all treatments that have the same number of species are grouped together, regardless of which species they contain. Yet this assessment cannot avoid attributing causal significance to differences in productivity between R-differing pairs of treatments that cannot plausibly be viewed as simulating how a change in the species richness of some particular ecosystem affects the productivity of that ecosystem.
Consider a study utilizing the species pool, represented in set notation as {A,B,C,D}, where each letter stands for a particular species in the pool. Suppose that random draw produces the treatments {A} and {B,C,D}. The number-changing interpretive stance views this pair as causally relevant by virtue of simulating an R-changing intervention on the first, single-species treatment {A} by way of increasing its richnessâby twoâto arrive at the second, three-species entourage {B,C,D}. If the productivity of this latter, three-species treatment is observed to be greater than that of the first, one-species treatment, this is supposed to be evidence that increasing a particular ecosystemâs species richness (by two) causes that ecosystemâs productivity to increase.
In this example, the change in R consists in total replacement of species resident in the original ecosystem with an entirely different entourage. It is difficult to make sense of differences in these two ecosystemsâ productivity as evidence that intervening to increase R in an ecosystem causes P to increase in that ecosystem. A more reasonable interpretation is that one ecosystem was obliterated, and the more speciose one that replaced it differed in productivity.
While any observed productivity difference in this case clearly has no credibility as evidence that changing the richness in some ecosystem causes that ecosystemâs productivity to change, one might initially dismiss it as a bit of data pollution so inconsequential that BEF analyses of can safely ignore it. But that is not so. A tedious but straightforward combinatoric analysis shows that for a species pool of size N there are16
entirely disjoint treatment pairsâthat is, treatment pairs having no species in common. This number is 16 for N = 4; 2,472 for N = 8; 18,859,512 for N = 16; and 846,948,553,422,744 for N = 32, respectively. 847 trillion data points cannot legitimately be dismissed as âsafely ignored noise.â Rather, these data points constitute a substantial portion17 of every dataset in hundreds of species richness manipulation experimentsâdata points that are treated as though they constitute evidence that changing an ecosystemâs species richness is causally responsible for changing that ecosystemâs productivity, even though they actually have no such causal significance.
A dataset so suffused with data points that lack evidential credibility is itself not credible. This places BEF science on the horns of a dilemma: On one side, it appears that there is no escaping the conclusion that the number-changing interpretation cannot make reasonable causal sense of data from all the many experiments that simulate manipulations of species richness. On the other side, there appears to be no alternative interpretation that can make sense of the sweeping causal claim that BEF scientists have striven to supportâthat species richness quite generally and without reference to the particular species or combination of species involved, is a significant cause of ecosystem functioning. Yet BEF scienceâs mission is to establish this claim as the âscientificâ basis for the claim that diminishment of species richness will make ecosystem functioning disintegrate and therefore, somehow, diminish ecosystem services (§2.2).
This pervasive, because unavoidable, contamination of datasets with bad data points undercuts essentially all experimental evidence for species richnessâ causal influence. Yet a second, independent problem is no less subversive of the evidence. This second problem consists of irresolvable entanglement of causal factors. It arises from the coupling of two complicating factors: (i) It is not possible to intervene on species richness R without also intervening on many other, independently operating causal factors that are highly correlated with R via their logical/conceptual rather than empirical coupling with it. And crucially, as we shall see: (ii) It is not possible to disentangle the contribution of these confounding causal variables by intervening on each of them individually without concomitantly intervening on R.
Empirically correlated causal factors not uncommonly arise in experimental setups. Drug trials illustrate why they need not pose insuperable obstacles to effectual experimental test of a factorâs causal influence: It may not be possible to intervene (or simulate interventions) on D (drug taken or not) without also intervening (or simulating interventions) on C (capsule taken or not). However, a drug trial may still distinguish the causal contribution of these two factors by intervening on C without also intervening on D. Thatâs what enables a drug trialâs placebo group to perform its cause-disentangling role, thereby surmounting complication (ii) of the preceding paragraph.
Similar recourse is not available to BEF experiments. They are subject to complication (i) because intervening on R also necessarily (logically and conceptually) involves intervening on multiple causally entangled variables. These variables include some number of the N causal variables Si (the ith species Si present or absent) representing individual species from a species pool of size N that are added or removed as part of intervening on R. Many more variables arise from some number of the âNk=2(Nk) combinations of species that are added or removed as a consequence of intervening on R. For example, the R-changing intervention that adds Nâ1 species to (let us say) one initially present species concomitantly adds, minimally, the N â1 causal factors Si. It also adds many more independent causal factors, including all âNk=2(Nk) combinations of two or more species in that pool.18 The number of added combinations is: (2N â 1) â N, or 11 for N = 4; 247 for N = 8; 65,519 for N = 16; and 4,294,967,263 for N = 32, respectively.19 Each one of these causal factors plausibly operates independently of richness: Each species has a characteristic productivity that is independent of its combination with other species. Each combination of two or more species also makes some characteristic causal contribution. For example, a grass that employs the form of photosynthesis known as âC4 photosynthesisâ (rather than C3 or CAM photosynthesis) in combination with a legume is characteristically more productive than the C4 grass alone.20
The particular conundrum posed by complication (ii) might suggest that it could be remedied by viewing pairs of treatments that are identical in R but differing in composition as simulating a richness-preserving intervention. Nothing comparable is possible for drug trials. BEF experimenters certainly have not sought to do this. And it seems clear that a richness-preserving intervention could not be interpreted as an intervention on species richness. But more importantly, data points from these simulated interventions would still be irretrievably compromised as causal evidence by the first, dataset pollution problem: Two ecosystems with the same number of wholly different species cannot coherently be regarded as some one particular ecosystem that was intervened upon. Nor would these R-preserving interventions even remedy the second, irresolvable entanglement flaw: Their inclusion could not avert the introduction of a tangle of causal contributions from all the individual Si as well as all the combinations of Si that occur only in either the pre-intervention ecosystem or the species-equinumerous, post-intervention ecosystem.
Absent any other suggestion, a remedy for both the dataset contamination problem and the irresolvable entanglement problem might be sought by simply abandoning the number-changing interpretation. This, no doubt, is the nuclear option for BEF science, for it entails also abandoning the sweeping empirical claims, cited in §2.2, for the causal impact of the sheer number of species in an ecosystem on its functioning without reference to which species they are. And abandoning that thesis, in turn, requires abandoning the similarly sweeping plea (discussed in Section 6) to conserve biodiversity lest declines in the number of species cause declines in ecosystem services.
That said, and although not employed in actual BEF experimental practice, analyses, or statements of findings, one might nonetheless look to a collection-modifying interpretation of R-changing interventions in which the only changes to species richness that play an evidential role are ones in which species enter or exit an existing collection. Indeed, this picture might more closely align with actual concerns about biodiversity. However, under this interpretation, R no longer signifies what everyone means by âspecies richnessââthe number of species in an ecosystem. Rather, R now means something relational, tied to some initially defined collection of particular species that persist through interventions that add others. Yet imposing the specific restrictions of a collection-modifying interpretation of R-changing interventions still falls short of erasing the causal entanglement problem: Even when interpreted in this way, the simulated addition or removal of species from an ecosystem still does not permit disentanglement of multiple, independently operating causal factors that are highly correlated with species richness via logical coupling.
To see why, consider two experimental treatments, the first containing one species (n = 1) drawn from a pool of N species. Suppose that this treatment is paired with a second, post-simulated-intervention treatment that adds to it all other Nâ1 species in the pool. This pair of treatments satisfies the relational constraint of the collection-modifying interpretive stance in simulating an intervention that is analyzed as a change in species richness Îr = Nâ1. However, it concomitantly simulates addition of the Nâ1 independent causal factors consisting of each of the added species. It also simulates the addition of the other independent causal factors consisting in all âNk=2(Nk) combinations of two or more species in that pool. This number (of added combinations) is (2Nâ1)-N, or 11 for N = 4; 247 for N = 8; 65,519 for N = 16; and 4,294,967,263 for N = 32, respectively. 4.29 billion cannot reasonably be presumed to not represent some major causal contribution and importantly, one that is strongly correlated with R, therefore subverting any claim that R is causally responsible. As well, the billions of data points that arise from two treatments where n = 1 for the first are joined by billions more that arise from two treatments where n > 1 for the first. Finally, the collection-modifying interpretation fares no better than the number-changing interpretation in making available viable means of independently intervening on the independently operating causally confounding variables in order to disentangle their effects from any effects that might be due to species richness.
The details that this section elaborates in order to expose an apparently sweeping failure of BEF experiments to produce credible evidence should not obscure how simple and basic the essence of that failure is: By virtue of the very definition of âspecies richness,â experiments that attempt to manipulate that variable ineluctably produce huge numbers of causally irrelevant data points, which are analytically indistinguishable from all the others. In the history of science, instances of widespread blindness to evidential flaws this conspicuous have most frequently occurred in circumstances such as these, where it was rooted in widespread commitment to affirming one particular result.
4 Additive partitioning
Early critics of BEF research (for example, Aarssen 1997, Huston 1997, Huston et al. 2000, and Huston and McBride 2002) also questioned whether the experimental data truly isolated species richness as a causal factor that operates independently of species composition. In reacting to this challenge, BEF scientists did not see a need to change any essential design element of their experiments. Nor did they see a need to question, modify, or qualify their claim that data from these experiments evidence species richnessâ causal influence on ecosystem functions. They instead changed only how they analyzed these dataâfollowing the suggestion of Loreau and Hector (2001) to represent the supposed causal influence of species richness as the simple sum of two (or more) factors, which they refer to as âmechanismsâ21 or âcomponentsâ of this influence. This representation, in terms of what is called the additive partitioning equation, quickly became so integral to every experimental data-based claim for species richnessâ causal influence and to the defense of these claims that, were this essay not to consider them, its assessment of the evidence for these claims would be quickly (and justifiably) brushed aside.
In the context of the BEF mission to show that species richness causally impacts ecosystem functions, there may be a temptation to view the additive partitioning equation as a mathematical expression of the idea that changes in levels of ecosystem functions due to additions or removals of particular species or combinations of species are themselves caused by changes in species richness. But that would be a conceptual mistake. The stipulated meaning of species richness = âNi=1Silogically entails that species richness increases with the addition of some new species. The addition does not cause species richnessâ increase. In much the same way, it is a category mistake to suppose one can cause a circleâs area to increase by increasing its radius. That is because (as Archimedes showed) the Euclidean definitions for circles and triangles together logically entail that the area of a circle with radius r is 2Ïr.22
However, the additive partitioning equationâs incapacity to contribute causal or even empirical information relevant to the question of species richnessâ causal influence is made fully apparent by looking at what, exactly, that equation means. In its most basic form, the additive partitioning equation asserts that any observed difference in productivity (or other ecosystem function) associated with a difference in species richnessâlabeled NE for âthe net biodiversity effectââis a simple sum of two termsânamely, âthe selection effectâ SE and its conjoined twin, âthe complementarity effectâ CE:
Interpreting this equation as representing a causal relationship whereby changes imposed on species richness bring about a net change in productivity NE requires interpreting the âeffectsâ represented by SE and CE as factors that mediate the causal operation of species richness in producing that productivity change. Thus interpreted, SE is supposed to represent the portion of species richnessâ influence that is due to the particular âselectionâ of speciesâwhether naturally or through experimental random drawâthat count towards an ecosystemâs species richness.23 In contrast, CE has no settled interpretation: It represents whatever portion of species richnessâ influence that is supposed to be due to any joint action and interaction of organisms that might arise from their specific differencesâthat is, some open-ended notion of composition.
Because Loreau and Hectorâs (2001) seminal exposition of the additive partitioning equation frames it as a version of the Price equation (1970), it might be thought that the causal relevance of the former equation can be inferred from the causal relevance of the latter. It is therefore important to dispel that misconception. George Priceâs original proposal arose from thinking about trait selection in biological organisms and consequent evolution of species. However, Price viewed his equation as a sweepingly general representation of any difference between (a) observed values of some trait in one population of (not necessarily biological) objects and (b) observed values of that trait in a second population of objects, which can be viewedâin some expansive sense not requiring clear-cut causal linkagesâas having descended from objects in the first, so-called parent population. Illustrative is Priceâs (1995) own example of the population of Modest Mussorgskyâs musical Pictures at an Exhibition, which (in his interpretation) âdescendedâ from a parent population of paintings that the composer viewed at a memorial exhibition of paintings by Viktor Hartmann.
For the purposes of this essay, it suffices to say that the Price equation is a formal representation of a difference in some trait that may be observed in objects in one population with respect to that trait as observed in objects in another population that is somehow and not necessarily causally linked to the first. It presents a difference, which, given the observed trait values, is indisputably trueâbut only by virtue of meanings of the terms that enter into its expression. It is true, that is, in the non-empirical way that the equation 2 + 2 = 4 is true.
The non-empirical nature of the Price equation is obvious from how it is derived.24 It starts with an equation that stipulatively defines a symbol representing a difference between the respective means of some trait for objects in two linked populations. The stipulated meanings of the terms that appear in this definition ensure that the Price equation can be derived from it via a sequence of algebraically correct transformations, which cannot add empirical content. Because the Price equation only restates the original definitionâs expression of an equivalence between two different symbolic representations of observed differences in populations of objects, it cannot add causal content.
However, the additive partitioning equationâs causal relevance is not thereby doomed because, although Loreau and Hector (2001) tried to model it on the Price equation, they did not succeed in making it a version of the Price equation: The additive partitioning equation violates Price equation semantics in multiple ways, including some that help to illuminate the semantics of the former equation later in this section.25
Equation 2 is supposed to be a simplified but equivalent re-presentation of Equation 3:26
in which NE stands in for Equation 3âs ÎY, while the notation Cov( ) in Equation 3 makes Equation 2âs SE look like a standard statistical covariance and the notation E( ) makes CE look like a statistical expectation. The key to understanding what Equation 3 means is that it, in turn, is a provably equivalent re-presentation of Equation 4:
Equation 4 stipulatively defines the quantity ÎY to mean: any difference between (i) the sum of actually observed yields YOi for each species i of plant in multi-species assemblages that draw on a pool of N distinct species, and (ii) the sum of (as we shall see, labeled with crucial ambiguity) expected (not observed) yields YEi for each species i of plant in multi-species assemblages. YOi and YEi, in turn, are quantities that (as shown on the second line) are derived by weighting species iâs yield in monoculture (Mi) by its proportional contribution to yield in multi-species assemblages. RYOi is the proportion of the total yield that species i is actually observed to contribute in those mixed assemblages. On the other hand, RYEi, like YEi, is not an observed quantity. Rather, it is stipulatively definedâas the proportional contribution of species i to the yield, computed on the basis of the surely false assumptionâthe experimental null hypothesisâthat no plantâs yields are ever affected by the presence of other plants.27 In Equation 3, ÎRY merely denotes the difference between RYE and RYO in abstraction from the particular contribution of each species i.
A few observations regarding Equation 3âs derivation from Equation 4 make it apparent that neither is relevant to the question of whether or not species richness causally determines productivity. First, as already observed, Equation 4 merely stipulates a definition for a symbol (ÎY). When yields do, in fact, deviate from the null hypothesisâas they very commonly willâthe symbol ÎYmerely gives us a notational convention for compactly expressing this fact. But its use cannot and does not add empirical information to the already given fact. Illustrative is the reported response of the great Dutch footballer Johan Cruijff to the question of how he won games. Paraphrasing Cruijff: âBy scoring one more goal than your opponentâ (van Veelen et al. 2012). This âexplanationâ merely invokes the football conventionâwhereby outscoring oneâs opponent in a match constitutes winning. Consequently, Cruijffâs response supplies no empirical information. Equation 4 is also merely a descriptive convention, which also cannot add empirical content to the state of affairs that it describes.
Mere reference to a convention is particularly evident in the definition that is stipulated for RYEiâspecies iâs proportional contribution to yield. As noted above, the relative yields RYEi are not observed quantities and are not, the subscript E notwithstanding, even expected in the customary sense of âwhat one should expect on the basis of empirical evidence.â That is because they are computed on the basis of the null hypothesis that a plantâs yields are never affected by the presence of other plants. And a long-standing mountain of evidence suggests that this hypothesis is routinely violated: Nitrogen-fixing legumes can promote the growth of many neighboring plants, while plants that produce allelochemicals (mostly excluded from experimental species pools) can suppress the growth of many others. Consequently, the sensible way to interpret any difference between yields computed with RYEi and actually observed yields, RYOi, is that it reflects the well-established fact, owing nothing to BEF research, of widespread violation of the assumption underlying RYEiâs computation. It makes little sense to interpret any such difference as reflecting a change in some actual property of actual ecosystems, let alone the operation of some causal factor.
This basic interpretive error may be obscured by multiple additional errors that Loreau and Hector (2001) make with respect to RYEi in taking the Price equation as their model. As indicated above, the Price equation simply describes how observed values of a trait in the objects in a parent population relate to observed values of that trait in a descendent population linked to it in Priceâs expansive sense. In a species richness experiment, the trait that differs between parent and descendent populations clearly must be the yield of the varying assemblages of organisms in experimental treatments. The objects bearing these traits can only be assemblages. Therefore, in Price equation terms, a BEF experimentâs parent and descendent populations are populations of experimentally created assemblages.
Given that, we should ask: What would the parent population (of assemblages) be? BEF thinking on this is reflected in Foxâs (2005) characterization of the additive partitioning equation. According to him, it depicts âmonoculture biomass as a trait on which selection can act.â If follows that the parent population is the population of assemblages in which monoculture biomass is a trait. That population is simply the population of monoculture assemblages. And from this parent population of monocultures, multi-species assemblages are supposed to descend. In fact, BEF experiments generate just such a descendent populationâvia random draw of species from a pool. This makes it clear that the âselection,â which Fox supposes to explain any overall yield difference ÎY between these populations of assemblages, consists in nothing other than selection by random draw of species from a pool to create multi-species assemblages in a BEF experiment.
The fact that the additive equation treats particular assemblages as members of linked populations raises challenging questions: First, what, exactly, is the biological meaning of the âselectionâ that is supposed to operate on one population to produce the other? And how, exactly, are the monocultures in the parent population supposed to causally influence the multi-species assemblages in the descendent population? These two questions have no obvious satisfactory answer. But I will set them aside to focus on questions about the stipulation that RYEi in Equation 4 means the frequency with which various values of the yield trait occur in the parent population, which as we have seen, is a population of monoculture assemblages. By assigning RYEi this meaning, Loreau and Hector (2001) sought to give RYEi the role that, in the Price equation, is played by the proportion of the parent population for which the given trait is observed to have a particular value. However, this gives rise to multiple incongruities:
RYEi, according to the definition that Loreau and Hectorâs (2001) stipulate for it, is not a frequency of occurrence. Loreau and Hector (2001) may obscure this fact about RYEiâs assigned meaning by at one point also assigning it a valueâequal to the proportion of species i organisms in an assemblageâs total. But asserting that some thing assumes some value does not alter what it is. We cannot change that a Chiriqui harlequin frog is a variegated amphibian by assigning it one of its many possible color values.
RYEi does not refer to the parent populationsâthe monoculturesâfor which it is supposed to be a frequency of occurrence. Rather, it refers to descendant populations of multi-species assemblages by way of invoking the null hypothesis.
RYEiâs values are not actual frequencies of occurrence of trait values. Actual frequencies, but not RYEiâs values, are determined by observing actual values and how frequently they occur in some actual population of objects.
RYEi is not even an expected quantity in the sense of âwhat we can rationally expectâ because it expresses the null hypothesis, which is known to be false. Nor is it an expectation in the standard statistical sense because that would require it to be the arithmetic mean of a set of independent observations of an independent variable that varies over an actual population of objects.28
An expectation in statistics is a frequency-weighted average for all the observed values for a variable that characterizes objects in some one particular population. The expression E(ÎRY*M) in Equation 3 does not satisfy this semantic requirement. ÎRY refers to differences in a relative yield variable between two different populations, the second of whichâa descendent population of multi-species assemblagesâis a fictional construct, not something observable, let alone actually observed.
For its part, a covariance in statistics is a property of, or relationship between, the observed values of two variables, each of which varies randomly over one, single population of objects. It summarizes the direction and magnitude of one variableâs observed deviation from its mean in that one population with respect to the direction and magnitude of the second variableâs observed deviation from its mean in the same population. Cov(ÎRY, M) in Equation 3 does not satisfy this semantic requirement, and for reasons similar to why E(ÎRY * M) does not satisfy the semantic requirements for an expectation: Its variables span different, parent and descendent populations, while the values for one variable are not even observed but rather computed on the basis of the null hypothesis.29
In short, neither the notation E( ) nor the notation Cov( ) on the right hand side of Equation 3 have the statistical meanings that these notations suggest. Rather, they are semantically misleading syntactic shorthand for expressions that derive from Equation 4 solely via algebraic manipulation.
Summing up: Equation 4, the starting point for the additive partitioning equationâs derivation, is a stipulative definition (for ÎY). The additive partitioning equation, Equation 3, is merely an algebraically equivalent re-presentation of Equation 4. The truth of both is independent of contingent facts about the actual world.30 That means that they are true independent of whether or not species richness causally influences productivity; they contribute no information one way or the other. In fact, these equations cannot even express predictive relationships: Prediction depends on reliable correlations between two factors that are observed in the real world. This requirement is not satisfied by the âexpectedâ yields YEi, which are computations based on a propositionâthe null hypothesisâthat is routinely contravened by what is actually observed. This circumstance even strips the additive partitioning equation of descriptive value.
A remarkable feature of additive partitioningâs incapacity to serve as a means of causal analysis is the sheer number of missteps integral to lending it any appearance of causal credence. It is difficult to imagine how every one of those errors could have been overlooked in the face of scrutiny unrestrained by prior commitment to the causal hypothesis it was supposed to prop up.
5 Functional diversity as cause
BEF researchers universally regard the âBâ in BEF research as standing for biodiversity, not for any one particular representation of it, such as species richness. So starting in the early 2000s, swift embrace of functional traits as an organizing concept in ecology led to increasing reinterpretation of biodiversity in terms of functional diversity. This trend manifested in BEF research as some efforts to establish the causal influence of biodiversity pivoted from species richness to functional diversity.31 BEF scientists cited in this section make clear their supposition that functional diversity is a significant cause of ecosystem functions by variously stating that it is âan important driver of ecosystem functioningâ (VillĂ©ger et al. 2008), that it âcan influence ecosystem functioningâ (Clark et al. 2012), that it âcontrol[s] biodiversity effects on biomass productionâ (Flynn et al. 2011), that functional diversity can (causally) explain ecosystem functioning when richness does not (Cadotte et al. 2011), that functional diversity âenhances ecosystem functions such as primary productivityâ (Schittko et al. 2014), and that âfunctional diversity [is] a key factor to maintain important functions and services of ecosystemsâ (Laureto et al. 2015, 112). Schittko et al.âs supposition that functional diversityâs supposed causal determination of ecosystem functions gives warrant for its conservation (via some unexplained connection to ecosystem services) is echoed by others, including Caddotte et al. (2011, 1079) who state, âThe goal of conservation and restoration activities is to maintain biological diversity and the ecosystem services that this diversity provides.â
It is a comparatively simple task to analyze the credibility of evidence for this causal hypothesis: As BEF researchers such as Lefcheck and Duffy (2015) themselves note, support for this thesis derives almost entirely from post hoc analysis of data produced by prior attempts to manipulate species richness. Little effort has been made to produce direct experimental evidence via experimental manipulation of functional diversity as a candidate causal variable.32
Crucial to evaluation of any causal thesis is a generally agreed-upon, precise characterization of the candidate causal variable. It is therefore remarkable that no such characterization of functional diversity exists. Instead, there is general agreement only on three characterizing elements, which are so undemanding that they can be embodied in (literally) infinitely many ways that give rise to infinitely many ways to measure functional diversity, which yield assessments that often radically disagree and even conflict.33 The three agree-upon elements are present in DĂaz and Cabidoâs (2001, 654) commonly cited definition. According to them, functional diversity is:
the value and range of functional traits of the organisms present in a given ecosystem.
The first element is a tacit and questionable empirical assumptionâthe assumption that every individual organism is a repository of some fixed collection of traits, each with a fixed value that is wholly determined by that organismâs species. This assumption is routinely violated, for example because (as is well known) many organisms are phenotypically plastic or vary greatly with the biotic and abiotic conditions in which they live. The second element is another empirical assumptionâthe assumption that these species-determined traits, with their species-determined values, causally determine functional properties of ecosystems in a way that makes the organism supplying these traits/values wholly interchangeable with any other or combination of the many other organisms that could also supply them.
The third element is an accompanying definition of functional trait, the source of functional diversity, which DĂaz and Cabido (2001, 654) define as:
the characteristics of an organism that are considered relevant to its response to the environment and/or its effects on ecosystem functioning.
This definition makes functional traits out of most traits of most organisms: The preponderance of traits that are of ecological, evolutionary interest, or even general biological interest in some way enter into how organisms respond to the particular conditions in which they find themselves. And it is difficult to think of biologically interesting traits that do not collectively affect at least one ecosystem-wide property or ecosystem function.
Permissiveness in assessing an ecosystemâs functional diversity is further compounded by the fact that its definition places no constraint whatever on which of dozens of functional traits (Roscher et al. 2004; Cornelissen et al. 2003) of organisms to include and which ones to exclude. This license is reflected in the wide range and disparity of traits that different studies actually use to compute an ecosystemâs functional diversity. Yet addition or removal of just one trait can dramatically alter what an ecosystemâs functional diversity is supposed to be. Consider a Euclidean distance-based metric (discussed below) with trait T1 for species {A,B,C} with values {0.5,1.0,2.0}, respectively; and trait T2 with values {10,0,10}. Based on T1 alone, the Euclidean distance d(A, B)=0.5, d(B, C)=1.0, and d(A, B)<d(C, D). Yet when T2 is included, d(A, B)=10.0125 and d(B, C)=1.5: Adding T2 reverses the inequality.
Permissiveness in assessing an ecosystemâs functional diversity is yet further compounded by lack of any constraint which few species of any ecosystemâs multitude of species to include and which many others to exclude. As with traits, no study selects for inclusion anything but a tiny subset of species that might occur in an ecosystem; and that set varies widely from study to study. BEF scientists routinely employ the phrase âthe functional diversity of an ecosystemâ to refer to functional diversity as a generally operating cause. Yet contrary to what the definite article suggests, every computation of an ecosystemâs functional diversity is relative to a choice of tiny minorities of its species and tiny minorities of the functional traits that are supposed to inhere in those organisms. This indeterminacy is made radical by the fact that there appears to be no independent test of the biological soundness of any of the myriad, sanctioned choices: No one can say what an ecosystemâs functional diversity actually is apart from its measurement by some measure.
Additionally, species and traits are but two sorts of unconstrained choices among others34 that contribute to a literal infinitude of choices that engender an embarras de richesses of measures, which BEF scientists have proposed or actually utilized (Petchey and Gaston 2006; Mouchet et al. 2010). I shall focus on two of the most discussed and utilized. These fall into the category of âMâ-type measures, which represent any species-determined value of any real-valued, species-determined functional trait as the coordinate value for one dimension of a continuous, multi-dimensional, Metric space. The location of any species in the space is given by the coordinate values for (typically) multiple traits. The metric defined on the space then supplies the distance between any two species-defined points. That distance is interpreted as a measure of the speciesâ differentnessâthe quantity of diversity that they embody.
Numerous problems arise with this proposal. One concerns discrete-valued variables because (a) a continuous, real-valued metric space is incapable of representing them and (b) they often have no sensible numeric representation at all. Yet many of the most salient functional traits are discrete-valued: season of first leafing, nitrogen-fixing or not, type of photosynthetic pathway, etc. BEF scientists routinely represent these fixed values with arbitrarily assigned integersâfor example, photosynthetic pathways as {C3â=â1, C4â=â2, CAMâ=â3}âand treat the numeric differences as biologically meaningful, real number-valued representations of degrees of differentness.
Another problem arises from the metric. BEF scientists rarely if ever even discuss their choice of metric; they simply presume that trait spaces are Euclidean. Yet there appears to be no biological basis for presuming that accurate representation of differentness among species compels choice of a Euclidean metric. Why (biologically speaking), must the metric even be isotropic, homogeneous, and flat?35 Yet non-Euclidean metrics can always be found that, for a given set of coordinates, yield distances and so functional diversity numbers that differ from the Euclidean assessment by any pre-specified amount.
The gravity of these and other problems is compounded by the fact that, even within the domain of âMâ-type measures and even with respect to the same set of species and the same set of functional traits, conflicting assessments of functional diversity abound. Two of the most popular âMâ-type measures are illustrative.36 Raoâs quadratic entropy Q (Rao 1982; Ricotta 2007) is a schema for computing functional diversity as the sum of pairwise trait-based Euclidean distances between pairs of species located in a Euclidean space. Q weights these distances by the speciesâ abundances even though there appears to be no biological basis for determining whether or not abundance weighting improves the accuracy of functional diversity assessments. Schumacher et al. (2009), Roscher et al. (2012), Clark et al. (2012), Song et al. (2016), Funk et al. (2017), Weiser et al. (2017) all make use of Q.
Functional Richness or FRich (Lefcheck and Duffy 2015; Schittko et al. 2014), on the other hand, like most âMâ-type measures but unlike Q, ignores abundances. However, like Q, FRich starts by computing a set of points in an abstract metric space. Each point âlocatesâ one of the tiny number of species chosen for FRichâs computation, utilizing that speciesâ pre-chosen collection of traits, each assigned the value that all organisms of that species are presumed to have. FRich then veers into topological territory, focusing on the convex hull that this collection of species-points defines. Intuitively: if you draw lines that connect every pair of points in a space, then their convex hull is the minimal subset of points that forms an âenvelopeâ fully containing all the lines. According to FRich, the ecosystemâs functional diversity is the volume of this convex hull. Yet nothing in biology explains why computing the volumeâwith a biologically arbitrary metricâof the convex hull of points that represent an arbitrary sample of an ecosystemâs species with an arbitrary sample of their traits and species-determined values produces the biologically correct value of that ecosystemâs functional diversity.
Both Q and FRich (and dozens more computational schemas that this discussion omits) evidently lack the biological mooring that would make them something more than a highly unconstrained and biologically dubious computational exercise. For example, utilizing FRich to measure functional diversity commits one to the principle that an ecosystem containing species that differ vastly in some one functional traitâfor example, plants that reach multiple meters in height versus others that never exceed a centimeter or twoâhas no functional diversity at all, should no other trait differ: A one-dimensional difference in volumes, no matter how stupendously great, is no difference at all.
Similarly vexing is that FRich and Q provide assessments of functional diversity that, it is easy to see, diverge systematically and without bound: Neither adding nor deleting a point located inside the envelope formed by FRichâs convex hull affects its assessment of functional diversity. Yet the total of the added or deleted pointâs pairwise distances to all other points are added to or subtracted from Raoâs quadratic entropy Q.
When NASAâs Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) and The European Space Agencyâs Planck spacecraft returned independent measurements of 13.722 and 13.82 billion years, respectively, for the age of the universe, astronomers regarded their relative closeness as encouraging in light of much greater disagreement among previous measurements. Yet they took the 0.5% discrepancy that still remained to decisively signal the need for further work to âget it right.â In contrast, while Q and FRich can differ by orders of magnitude greater than 0.5%, BEF scientists appear to have no sound scientific basis for âgetting it rightâ or even for accounting for these measuresâ radically diverging assessments of functional diversity. These possibilities are precluded by the facts that Q and FRich both fully qualify as measures of functional diversity and that functional diversity is characterized only as âtheâ property that is measured by qualifying measures.
The implications of these conundrums are profound. BEF scientists claim that the functional diversity property of an ecosystem is a causal determinant of its ecosystem functioning. Validation of this claim minimally requires knowing the value of this causal variable. Yet there is no independent, biologically grounded basis for adjudicating between the radically differing infinitude of assessments that are on offer.
Faced with this multiplicity of conflicting measures and no sound biological basis for choosing from among them, BEF scientists propose to resolve this radical indeterminacy by â[comparing] their performancesâ (Clark et al. 2012) and selecting those that are ârecommendedâ (Mouchet et al. 2010, 867) or âmost suitableâ (VillĂ©ger et al. 2008, 2290). They proceed to define a measureâs âperformance,â its ârecommendability,â or its âsuitabilityâ quite straightforwardly in terms of how well it correlates with the productivity numbers found in previously performed attempts to experimentally manipulate species richness (as observed at the beginning of this section).
This method for retrospectively âfindingâ how productivity is âaffectedâ by functional diversity is a paradigmatic form of âHARKingâ (formulating the Hypothesis After the Results are Known)âthe scientific embodiment of the Texas Sharpshooter. Facing the side of his barn, that character blindfolds himself, pulls out his six-shooter, and then riddles the barn with holes with a random spray of bullets. Removing his blindfold, he achieves the highest possible correlation of shots to target hits by drawing those targets around the holes so as to minimize their distances from bullseyes. Of course, no one who is aware of how this remarkably high correlation was achieved would place credibility in the Texas Sharpshooterâs storyâthat he caused this to happen by virtue of his remarkable marksmanship.
Functional diversity researchers also achieve and are quite candid about achieving some high degree of correlation between functional diversity and productivity by retrospectively constructing a âhigh-performingâ measure that âdrawsâ the most advantageously located targets around previously-collected productivity numbers. No one who is aware of how this high correlation is achieved should place credibility in the BEF scientific causal storyâthat it came about by virtue of functional diversityâs remarkable ability to (in the words of the scientists cited above) âinfluence,â âcontrol,â âenhanceâ or be a âkey factor to maintainâ ecosystem functions and services.37 It is difficult to explain how BEF scientists gave credence to this story without, once again, referring to their ubiquitous claim that conservation of biodiversity is of paramount importance on account of its supposed causal impact on ecosystems (Section 1).
6 The ecosystem service rationale for conserving biodiversity
Throughout the more than two decades that BEF researchers have claimed to have evidence for the thesis that biodiversity is a major causal determinant of ecosystem functions, these scientists have routinely expressed their conviction that these efforts secure âscientificâ warrant for conserving biodiversity. It is therefore remarkable that, to my knowledge, none of these scientists and no conservation organization has articulated a coherent argument in support of this conviction.38 Instead, the passages quoted in §2.2 and in Section 5 exemplify what is ubiquitous: Right on the heels of warning that declines in biodiversity will cause declines in ecosystem functioning and with no intervening logic, they then claim that this decline in functioning entails a decline in ecosystem services, which conservation of biodiversity can prevent.
Because much of the worldâs thinking about biodiversity and its conservation is beholden to this routinely expressed idea, it is important to see if some coherent argument for it can be spelled out. What follows is an attempt to do that by trying to think of all the steps that seem indispensable for arguing that, as scientists and conservationists continually suggest, biodiversityâs conservation is warranted on the grounds that its diminishment will diminish ecosystem functioning and consequently also ecosystem services. As in earlier sections of this essay, this one references productivity as a representative ecosystem function.
Empirical Premises:
- (P1)
- Higher levels of biodiversity in ecosystems elevate their productivity; lower levels reduce it.
- This is the central causal thesis of BEF science that this essay has discussed.
- (P2)
- P1 applies to the worldâs unmanaged ecosystems because the causal effects of the appearance and disappearance of species in them is sufficiently similar to their random selection in experiments.
- P2 has drawn substantial prior critical comment. Doubts arise from evidence that sequences of species disappearances and introductions in actual ecosystems are not at all random but rather appear to depend on a variety of factors, including how the presence of any given species affects others (Wardle 2016, Srivastava and Vellend 2005, Solan et al. 2004, Vandermeer et al. 2002, Fridley 2001).
Normative Premises (normative terms are italicized):
- (P3)
- An ecosystemâs empirically observable higher levels of productivity mean that it is higher performing in the normative sense that it is better at meeting a standard for how it ought to perform.
- The argumentâs normative conclusion requires a premise like P3, which defines a general norm for how an ecosystem ought to perform in terms of how productive it is rather than some empirical claim about (say) higher productivity numbers.
- Obviously, some ecosystems are more productive than others. But ecosystems do not resemble automobiles for which standards of performance are based on specifications that indicate the degree to which they fulfill their human-designed purposes. Such specs ground the claim that your Porsche Spyder is higher performing than my Volkswagen âBugâ with respect to acceleration. Similar standards also apply to human-designed agricultural systems and may ground claims that their greater productivity makes them higher performing. But there exists no similar, biology-based specification that would ground norms for the performance of natural ecosystems.
- (P4)
- The higher performance of more highly productive ecosystems (according to P3) is specifically due to their providing higher levels of service.
- It is well known and I am not the first to observe that P4 (which the argument requires to hold quite generally) is routinely contravened. Blooms of algae in aquatic ecosystems and proliferation of kudzu in terrestrial ecosystems make them extraordinarily productive. In these and many other cases, high levels of productivity are responsible forâin the non-causal sense of âconstituteââdisservices.
- (P5)
- An ecosystemâs provision of services is good by virtue of serving the interests and satisfying the desires of persons willing to pay for them.
- P5 is the cornerstone principle of economic valuative thinking, which presumes that a measure of a thingâs goodness is the degree to which persons vouch for it as desirable. P5 may be questioned most centrally because many people desire and vouch for their desire with a willingness to pay for things that are, overall, bad. One only need consider the dire consequences of desire for petroleum products and palm oil.
- (P6)
- Ecosystems that provide higher service levels are better.
- The argument requires P6 in order to make the supposed ability of biodiversity to enhance ecosystem services a reason to conserve it. However, P6 follows from P5 only by assuming that the goodness of a thing is generally proportional to how much of it there is. But more is generally not better. That is amply illustrated by mundane facts such as that itâs better to stop eating when youâre full.
- (P7)
- An ecosystemâs goodness preeminently consists in its provision of services.
- P7 asserts that the econometric, service-providing capability of an ecosystem overshadows all other goodness-conferring factors and therefore settles the question of whether or not it is good overall. If there are any grounds for thinking that it is true, I am unaware of any. Consideration of its combination with P8 (just below) casts doubt on there being any.
- (P8)
- Conservation ought to promote ecosystem services by undertaking projects that make ecosystems as high performing as they can be in this service-providing way.
- P8 asserts that an opportunity to increase an ecosystemâs service levels engenders a presumptive obligation to bolster its service-providing capabilities. Like P7, P8 on its own is a questionable normative principle. In combination with P7, P8 encourages disregard for whatever else might be good about an ecosystem. In other words, it affords no consideration for species, populations, and organisms that either make no evident contribution to any service or that are responsible for disservices. It therefore arguably counsels that the promotion of services trumps eradication of organisms, if that is what it takes to underwrite strongly desired services. It also welcomes terraforming practices, from the addition, removal, and modification of soil and nutrients to the transformation of major land and water features, if these measures would ratchet up performance.
- (P9)
- We ought to act so as to promote higher levels of biodiversity (and counter lower levels of biodiversity).
- (C)
- We ought to conserve biodiversity.
- That we ought not to allow levels of biodiversity to diminish is a straightforward corollary of P9.
There may be other ways to construct the sought-for argument and their details may vary. But all of them must bridge the gap from the causal premise about biodiversity to a normative one about services and from there to service provision as the preeminent object of conservation. Because of that, I believe that the version offered here exposes the fragility of assumptions and logic, which cannot be avoided in arguing that that biodiversity ought to be conserved lest ecosystem services be attenuated. Even aside from P1, which, this essay has argued, lacks credible evidence, multiple other assumptions are questionable and multiple steps appear to be logical missteps. If that is so, then the long-standing conservation mission of BEF research, which, for so long has worked so hard to secure P1, was always doomed to failâeven aside from failure of the empirical mission to secure that premise.39
7 Perspective: Implications for biodiversity research and conservation
Summing up: The enormous and enormously influential program of BEF research has been a decades-long mission to find evidence for the thesis that biodiversity causally determines ecosystem functions. That empirical investigative mission was pursued in the service of another, conservation, mission to âsaveâ biodiversity. Both appear to have been undermined by multiple mistaken assumptions that led to multiple missteps. If many of the defects, in retrospect, seem obvious, then the blindness of the scientists to them may well be explained by supposing that their emphatic commitment to these dual missions made them unable to say ânoâ to the question of whether evidence actually supported their faith in biodiversity as a principal determinant of ecosystem functions.
In short, the BEF research program may be one of those uncommon yet not so rare historical episodes in which deep commitment to an idea from outside science commandeered critical evaluation of the evidence and subsequently led science off the tracks. In this case, the extra-scientific idea that derailed BEF science is the arguably noble one of saving biodiversity. But that idea is morally hollowed out by making it ride, not on whether the many different organisms whose existence is at stake can simply live their lives, but rather on how capably they serve people.
I am grateful to philosopher of science Roberta Millstein for her perceptive remarks on a very early, 2016-vintage essay, which let me see its deficiencies in ways that eventually set me on the path to the current essay. Comments by ecologist Mark Vellend on two separate manuscripts from 2017 and 2018 led to substantial improvements in clarity and cohesiveness. Central to this essayâs writing was ecologist Michael Hustonâs encouragement, comments, and sharing of his deep understanding of ecological science. More than that, he had the courage to lead the way in his own work, which exposed aspects of BEF science that, from the very start, did not register as copacetic. Finally, Linda Winterâs numerous editorial passes and her more numerous âHuh?â comments led to many clarifications that, I hope, reduced the number of your own âHuh?" reactions.
- A rough indication of how pervasively scientists tie biodiversity to ecosystem functions may be read off the 1.9 million hits for an uncurated search for âBiodiversity Ecosystem Functionsâ in Google Scholar. Research at the Cedar Creek Reserve Field station alone has generated multiple hundreds of papers on this topic largely funded by many millions of dollars of NSF funds (https://www.cedarcreek.umn.edu/research/publications) through its Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTER), which supposes (in its 2019 Decadal Review Self Study https://lternet.edu/documents/decadal-review-report-2022/) that âThe relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function ranks among the most important research issues in modern ecology.â âź
- The Nature Conservancy and the World Wildlife Fund are âCore Partnersâ of The Natural Capital Project (https://naturalcapitalproject.stanford.edu/who-we-are/partners), which is dedicated to the idea that âThe worldâs ecosystems can be seen as capital assets; if well-managed, their lands, waters, and biodiversity yield a flow of vital life-support servicesâ (https://naturalcapitalproject.stanford.edu/who-we-are/natural-capital-project). Conservation International also subscribes to the so-called Natural Capital Protocol, which seeks to promote nature, and most particularly, its biodiversity, in terms of ânatural assets and the ecosystem services they provideâ (https://capitalscoalition.org/capitals-approach/natural-capital-protocol/). Maier (2018) offers more documentation of the nexus involving BEF science, the Natural Capital Project, The Nature Conservancy, and other large conservation organizations. âź
- The italicized phrase excludes numerous self-evaluative writings by the very scientists who are responsible for the science, conservation organizations and conservationists who promote their conservation mission on its basis, and science writers who uncritically echo back what these seemingly reliable sources tell them. âź
- It must be emphasized that this essay is all and only about the enormous body of science that purports to demonstrate biodiversityâs causal impact on ecosystems and all and only about the ubiquitous conservation rationale yoked to that thesis. It is not about and it should not be thought to be about other work on biodiversity that does not attempt to tie or portray it as causally responsible for ecosystem functions. âź
- Meta-analyses and surveys of this body of experimental work have proliferated, but just uncritically presume that the experimental data from the meta-analyzed and surveyed work is all causally credible. They merely re-analyze these data utilizing the same interpretive framework as the original experiments. This uncritical stance is evident in the meta-analyses and surveys cited later in other contexts, including Cardinale et al. (2009), Cardinale et al. (2011), and Tilman et al. (2014). Section 5 discusses how these same data, again without critical review, are again re-analyzed in supposing them to be evidence for the causal impact of functional diversity. âź
- This essay cannot present a comprehensive survey of accounts of causality to properly support this claim. I must therefore leave it as a challenge to the skeptical reader to find some account of causality that would be more accommodating than Woodwardâs of the thesis that levels of biodiversity causally determine levels of ecosystem functions. I myself began my work on this topic by taking up this challenge, only to find that most accounts of causality would summarily reject this thesis as causal, while no other account would offer any advantage over Woodwardâs. âź
- Addressing the question of whether BEF research is concerned to establish biodiversity as a cause of ecosystem functioning is made essential by my experience of responses to challenges to the credibility of its evidence as causal evidence, which simply deny that BEF scienceâs central thesis is a causal one. According to these responses, it is merely a predictive thesis or a âgeneralâ one, whatever that might mean. âź
- Here and below in this and the next paragraph, the phrases are the scientistsâ but the italics are mine. âź
- Limitations of observational data derive both from human factors (Gueyffier and Cuchurat 2019) and theoretical obstacles in which the Causal Markov Condition plays a central role. Additionally, statistical techniques that attempt to surmount some of these obstacles in biomedical and epidemiological research (Khuller and Jena 2021) may not even be available to BEF research. A full discussion of this rich topic is beyond this essayâs scope. âź
- The ecological questions of what patterns of co-variation predominateâfor example, whether theyâre unimodal or bimodalâand what latitudinal gradients imply are extensively debated in ecology. However, as the main text suggests, compelling answers to these questions would have but marginal force as evidence that biodiversity causally determines ecosystem functions. âź
- This discussion of observational evidence cannot dive into the big and nuanced topic of how, exactly, the limitations of observational evidence arise and what, exactly, they are. Its role here is only to highlight the preeminence of experimental evidence for causal theses. âź
- This formulation hews closely to Woodwardâs (2003) classic one, while specializing it for species richness as cause and productivity as effect. âź
- Condition (3) looms large in subsequent discussion at the point marked by Note 20. âź
Cardinale et al. (2011, 576) confirm the preponderant use of random draw in BEF research:
the design of most biodiversity experiments was altered so that researchers held the total initial seeding density or biomass of producers constant across several levels of richness, and then grew (1) all possible combinations of species at each level of richness or (2) species combinations selected at random from all possibilities. Thus, the most common hypothesis tested by these experiments was that, when averaged across all species and species combinations, the efficiency of resource use and producer biomass increases as a function of the initial number of species seeded or grown in an experimental unit.
- The random draw protocol emerged after widespread recognition of fatal flaws in the design of Shahid Naeemâs early âEcotronâ experiments (Naeem et al. 1994; Naeem et al. 1995). Those experiments assigned species from a pool of size N to mini-ecosystems in such a way that: (i) for any richness level r1 > r0, the species represented in r1 included all species in r0 and (ii) this hierarchy of species was defined so that the most productive species were represented only in treatments with the highest levels of species richness close to N. This design all but ensured that species richness was strongly correlated with productivity whether or not these variables are causally related. The only other alternative to the random draw design to have emerged is the little discussed random partitions design (Bell et al. 2005; Bell et al. 2009). That design has flaws closely related to those of the random draw design but space precludes its discussion in this essay. âź
- Eq. 1 utilizes the commonly used notation (Nk)to denote the number of possible combinations of N things taken k at a time. The first factor in the outer summation (denoted by sigma, âÎŁâ) represents one possible collection of species that consist of fewer than half the species from a pool of N. For each such collection, the second factor is the sum of all possible collections of species from the same pool that do not include any species in the first collection. âź
- The discussion in the main text explains the problem of data pollution by reference data points from treatments that are entirely disjoint. However, data pollution is far more extensive than that. For example, it cannot be credibly claimed that one ecosystem with six species (from a pool of sixteen) and a second ecosystem with twelve species that includes just one of those six (but not any of the five others) simulate one and the same ecosystem that simply has undergone a species-doubling intervention. More generally, if two treatments must, let us conservatively say, share more than 25% of their species to simulate the same ecosystem before and after a species number-changing intervention, then for N = 4, all the productivity data points from treatment pairs that share one species are data-polluting alongside those that are entirely disjoint; for N = 8, this data pollution further extends to all the data points from treatment pairs that share two species; for N = 16, it extends yet further to treatment pairs with three or four species in common; and for N = 32, all pairs with eight or fewer species in common also fail this basic test of evidential relevance. An important consequence is that, although the proportion of entirely disjoint treatments among all treatment pairs decreases as N increases, an increase in bad data from not-quite-disjoint pairs compensates for this. âź
- âNk=2(Nk) sums the number of combinations of two species (the starting value for k) taken from among N, the number of combinations of three species from among N, and so on up to the number of combinations of N species (the final value for k) from among N. âź
- It is straightforward to show that âNk=2(Nk)=2N using the binomial theorem. âź
- The strong and necessary correlation of these many factors to the hypothesized cause R precludes dismissing them as randomly varying background conditions that can be credibly presumed to âaverage out.â The reason resides in violation of Condition (3) of the requirements for causal evidence stated at the end of Section 2. This condition entails that a causal explanation of any observed change in P in terms of R is not warranted when the values for other, possibly causally relevant values are set initially, but afterwards permitted to change as a consequence of changes, not in species richnessâthat is, they are not the instruments through which species richness may be thought to operate on productivityâbut rather as a consequence of changes in other causal factors that are correlated with species richness. For example, while the presence or absence of a legume may be correlated with levels of species richness, its presence (or absence) is an independent, soil-affecting (and consequently, productivity-affecting) causal factor that is not caused by species richness. âź
- In this context, the term âmechanismâ is most sensibly understood in the non-mechanistic sense of Section 2.3: an independently operating underlying or intermediate factor through which species richness is supposed to exert its influence.â âź
- Whether or not interpretations of the additive partitioning equation by BEF scientists fall prey to this error, they not infrequently do attribute causal significance to logically or conceptually necessary relationships of various sorts. For example, the arrow that James Grace and colleagues (2016, Figure 2) draw from the productivity of a site to the productivity of a plot within that site portrays that mereological relationship as causal. More generally (albeit not universally) accepted is Tilman et al.âs (1998, 282) insistence that statistical artifacts operate as causes in the real world: âGreater stability of more diverse ecosystems is just as real, and just as important, whether it is caused by interspecific competition or statistical averaging.â According to them, a statistical average can operate in the real world as a cause of ecosystem functioning every bit as well as some legumeâs fixing of nitrogen: âthe importance of the statistical averaging effect and the negative covariance effect as ecological principles relating stability to diversity comes not from whether they have a biotic or statistical origin but from their very existence.â âź
- The selection effect is commonly (although not universally) conceived of as generalizingâby allowing for negative as well as positive effects on productivityâwhat was earlier called âthe sampling effect.â That earlier moniker reflects its association with the sampling of the species pool in BEF random draw experiments. âź
- Space does not permit presentation of the Price equationâs derivation here. The best references are Price (1970, 1972, 1995) himself, Frank (1997a, 2012), Fox (2005, 2006 Appendix A), van Veelen (2005), and van Veelen et al. (2012), although idiosyncratic choices for key symbols make it a challenge to line up these various sources. âź
- The literature on the Price equation in all of biology is extremely thin, and few biologists that Iâve quizzed have even heard of it. Some number of BEF scientists are aware of the Price equation, but mostly only by virtue of their awareness that it is supposed to be a model for additive partitioning. Fox (2005) is one of the few BEF scientists who evidences some awareness of the Price equationâs semantics and points out one respect in which additive partitioning deviates from it, although not the deviations that are key to this essayâs discussion. âź
- Equation 3 re-presents what Loreau and Hector (2001) present in their Box 1 with some minor notational changes. Its meaning and the meaning of its symbols are explained just below, via Equation 4 from which it is derived. âź
- At this point of the argument, the observation that this assumption is false serves only to emphasize the thoroughly conventional character of ?Yâs definition. The immediately ensuing argument does not draw any conclusions from the mere facts that (i) the null hypothesis is (like many null hypotheses) generally false and that (ii) this hypothesis enters into the additive partitioning question. Rather, the argument revolves around the other facts that (iii) the additive partitioning equation is a necessary truth about fictional data and that (iv) a necessary truth about fictional data cannot say anything about whether actual data from actual observations are causally significant. âź
- The observations required to make RYEi a true statistical expectation would presumably have to be observations of species iâs yield in assemblages that include some unspecified number of unspecified other species. âź
- While the fact that the null hypothesis is undoubtedly false is not central to this argument, it reinforces the salient point that that hypothesis does not apply to any actual, mixed-species assemblage. âź
- There should be no doubt that it is possible for an equation to be false independently of all contingent facts, as is 2+2 = 5. âź
- A number of BEF scientistsâfor example VillĂ©ger et al. (2008) and Laureto et al. (2015)âhave themselves called attention to the increasing attention paid to functional diversity in BEF research. âź
- Lefcheck and Duffy (2015) emphasize the uniqueness of their own work by pointing out that but two other experiments had attempted to manipulate functional diversity as a candidate causal variable. Because those two experiments involved but two species apiece, the credibility of their causal evidence is close to nil.A better known experiment, the Jena Experiment (Roscher et al. 2004, Weisser et al. 2017), classified the species in its pool into functional groups, and âmeasuredâ functional diversity as the number of functional groups present (one of an infinitude of possible measures). But it employed this classification only to constrain the selection of species. That means that it did not truly manipulate either species richness (which, by definition, takes no account of functional groupings) or functional diversity (which, by definition, takes no account of how many species contribute the functional traits). See also Note 14. âź
- An example of how two of the most commonly used measures can differ without bound is provided below. âź
- Among other choices that enter into functional diversityâs measurement are: Use (or not) of species abundances, how (if at all) discrete-valued traits are combined with continuously varying ones, use (or not) of a metric space, use (or not) of dendrograms, and for the latter two, which of an unbounded number of ways to perform the computation over the distances that are supposed to represent functional differentness. âź
- An isotropic metric defines a space that is the same in every direction. A homogeneous metric defines a space that is the same in every region and around every point. âź
- Space precludes discussion of another âMâ-type measure, Functional Diversity (FD), which several of the references cited here employ. It is defined as: the total number of segments in all leaf-to-root paths of the hierarchically classifying (dendrogram) structure computed by employing some one clustering algorithm to cluster resident species based on their pairwise distances as points in a metric space with coordinates that are the trait values ascribed to them. While its computation is more complicated that the computation of Q and FRich, none of this additional complexity alters any of the substantive points made with reference to Q and FRich. âź
- Correlations found via retrospective data mining can legitimately suggest hypotheses that are worthy of subsequent scientific investment in experiments that then subject them to legitimate test. However, correlations of this sort are not, and should not be mistaken for, the experimental test itself. âź
- Not even among the thousands of documents in the IPBES library (Section 1) can I find a serious attempt to flesh out this idea for an argument into an actual argument. âź
- Of course, unsoundness of the ecosystem-services-based argument for conserving biodiversity would not preclude the possibility that some different argument for conserving biodiversity might be sound. âź
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