Weave is a peer-reviewed, open access, web-based publication featuring articles on user experience (UX) for librarians and professionals in related fields. Our editorial team includes librarians from a diversity of settings committed to advancing user experience research and design within the profession. Our editorial philosophy is to strive for a balance between theoretical and practical topics.
User experience plays a critical role within libraries of all kinds, and user experience librarians and teams have become commonplace since Weave’s inception in 2014. Weave is a comprehensive, rigorous publication for library UX professionals to share with and learn from their colleagues. We help practitioners and theorists come together to make libraries better.
Weave values diversity, inclusion, and equity-centered design. We recognize systemic inequities in academic publishing and are developing more inclusive editorial practices. We require inclusive language from authors through our style guide and support author name changes (see our ethical publishing guidelines). We're also exploring open peer review, the ability for authors to disclose pronouns, and ways to advance the work of marginalized scholars.
Weave believes that user experience must be inclusive of the experiences of all users, and we are actively building an editorial staff that reflects that diversity. To this end we specifically encourage people of color, people who identify as LGBTQIA+, and people with disabilities to apply for Weave positions. Perspectives from all users and practitioners enrich the journal.
Weave is run by volunteers, funded by sponsors, and hosted by Michigan Publishing. As of 2020, Weave is pleased to be a CLIR affiliate organization.