
The Journal of the Western Society for French History is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal published once annually in an open-access, online format. JWSFH welcomes submissions from scholars of all backgrounds and career stages, including early-career researchers for whom a submission to JWSFH may be their first experience with the peer-review process and/or publication. JWSFH embraces scholarship about France and the Francophone world that engages a wide variety of methodological and theoretical approaches and emerges from a range of disciplinary backgrounds.

Editorial Team

  • Andrew Daily (University of Memphis)
  • Roxanne Panchasi (Simon Fraser University)
  • Meghan Roberts (Bowdoin College)

Title Change

Volumes 1-42 of this journal were published under the title Proceedings of the Western Society for French History, Online ISSN 2162-0423. The current title debuted in 2015 with Volume 43.

Information for Submission

Manuscripts must be submitted electronically using the journal's online submission portal. Additional information about submission and a style guide are available on the website of the Western Society for French History. Authors whose papers are accepted for publication in the Journal will receive a journal publication agreement form to complete at the time of acceptance.

*Authors who publish with JWSFH retain intellectual copyrights for their work.

Copyright Information

In line with the Western Society for French History's mission statement and ongoing work to promote, diversity, equity, and inclusion within the profession, the Journal of the Western Society for French History is published open-access. All content is freely available to scholars and students around the globe without the limitations of a subscription or paywall. Published articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs license, which permits anyone to download, copy, distribute, or display the full text without asking for permission, provided that the creator(s) are given full credit, no derivative works are created, and the work is not used for commercial purposes.

Latest News Posts

JWSFH Call for Submissions - vol. 50 (2024)
Posted by Editorial Team JWSFH on 2023-12-20

JWSFH invites submissions for its 2024 issue! The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2024. Manuscripts must be submitted electronically using the journal’s online submissions portal. In order to be considered for publication, submissions must conform to guidelines provided in our JWSFH Style Sheet. 

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The 2023 issue of JWSFH is coming soon!
Posted by Editorial Team JWSFH on 2023-11-10

The 49th volume of the Journal of the Western Society for French History is in the final stages of preparation. Featuring a special thematic cluster of articles on the theme of "Reparations and Restitution," this issue will also introduce the new journal sections "Interventions" and "Notes on Sources." Look for notifications of this forthcoming issue as well as a Call for Submissions to [...]

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Volume 49 • 2023


Letter from the Editors

Roxanne Panchasi, Meghan Roberts and Andrew M Daily

2024-01-10 Volume 49 • 2023 • 1–2

Reparation and Restitution

An Art Restitution Zeitgeist? Museum Ethics and the Law in the Early Twenty-First Century

Elizabeth Campbell

2024-01-10 Volume 49 • 2023 • 3–18

An Early International Moment for Antiquities Restitution and Panic at the Louvre

Sarah Griswold

2024-01-10 Volume 49 • 2023 • 19–32

Disaster Citizenship to Counter Gendered Reparations: A Case Study of the Great Flood of 1910 in the Seine Basin

Claire Mayo

2024-01-10 Volume 49 • 2023 • 33–43


« Vous ne serez plus des Indigènes, vous serez des Français ». Une lecture du film Tirailleurs de Mathieu Vadepied

Meryem Belkaïd

2024-01-10 Volume 49 • 2023 • 44–49

“Vous ne serez plus des Indigènes, vous serez des Français”: A Reading of Mathieu Vadepied’s Tirailleurs (English translation)

Meryem Belkaïd

2024-01-10 Volume 49 • 2023 • 50–55


Postcolonial Tunisian Networks of Dignity in 1968 and the Arab Spring

Burleigh Hendrickson

2024-01-10 Volume 49 • 2023 • 56–70

Defining Papal Power: Frondeur Interpretations in the Mazarinades

Thomas C Sosnowski

2024-01-10 Volume 49 • 2023 • 71–81

Notes on Sources

Leo Marker

Emily Marker

2024-01-10 Volume 49 • 2023 • 82–87

Suzanne Louverture

Robin Mitchell

2024-01-10 Volume 49 • 2023 • 88–92


Letter from the President of the Western Society for French History

Andrew Ross

2024-01-10 Volume 49 • 2023 • 93–94