This page is designed to help you ensure your submission is ready for and fits the scope of the journal.
*Prior to any submission, please read over the guidelines below, then register for an account (or login if you have an existing account).
The Journal of the Western Society for French History is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal published once annually in an open-access, online format. JWSFH welcomes submissions from scholars of all backgrounds and career stages, including early-career researchers for whom a submission to JWSFH may be their first experience with the peer-review process and/or publication. JWSFH embraces scholarship about France and the Francophone world that engages a wide variety of methodological and theoretical approaches and emerges from a range of disciplinary backgrounds.
Focus and Scope
JWSFH publishes single and collectively authored article-length pieces (4000-6000 words) that deal with all periods and subject areas of French and Francophone history, as well as clusters of articles that speak to a common theme. Authors interested in submitting articles longer than 6000 words should reach out to the editors in advance. We also welcome “Interventions” responding to emerging and developing events in the Francophone world (2000-2500 words); “Notes on Sources” (800-1000 words); multimedia projects; roundtables; conversations, etc. For all inquiries regarding submissions, including possible formats and special issues, please email We encourage prospective authors to browse recent issues of the journal to get a sense of the range of work we publish.
Submission Checklist
- LENGTH: Article length is 4000-6000 words (including notes), double-spaced with standard margins. Submissions to the “Interventions” section should be 2000-2500 words, and “Notes on Sources” essays should be 800-1000 words, not including the length of the attached source.
- FORMAT: All manuscripts must be submitted as a MS Word .doc/.docx file that have footnotes generated with the “insert footnote” function in MS Word. Notes should be double-spaced. Manuscripts that do not conform to these basic formatting rules will not be sent out for review.
- STYLE: All text and notes must conform to the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th or 17th edition. Footnotes should abbreviate information for second and subsequent references, usually including the last name of author, a shortened title, and page number.
- DATES: All dates are in European (diplomatic) style, e.g. 14 July 1789; 1790s (no apostrophe); hyphenate mid-1990s. No internal punctuation is used when using just month and year (e.g. the events of August 1914 were decisive). See CMS (16th or 17th ed.).
- LANGUAGE: Articles may be submitted in either English or French. For articles written in English, the Journal prefers that authors translate French or other foreign languages whenever possible, with the original French in a footnote. Please use American, not British, spelling. Carefully check French spelling, including accents, the Journal does not have the resources to check these elements for you.
- IMAGES: You must secure all permissions to publish and provide captions attributing credit to the image holder. All photographs, figures, or other graphics should be submitted as separate files in .png or .jpg format at a resolution of 600 dpi. In a separate document, please provide captions as you want them to appear, including permissions.
- TRANSCRIPTIONS: You must provide transcriptions as well as translations for any Notes on Sources.
- BRIEF ACKNOWLEDGMENTS & AUTHOR BIOGRAPHIES should be included as a final paragraph in the body of the manuscript (not in the notes) up to a maximum of 100 words.
- ATTENTION: Articles that do not conform to these guidelines will be returned to authors and will not be considered for publication until submitted per journal guidelines.
Copyright Notice
Authors who publish with JWSFH maintain ownership of their copyright, and may republish their articles in other venues with appropriate acknowledgement of previous publication in the journal per the terms of CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.
Peer Review
Publication in The Journal of the Western Society for French History typically involves an anonymous peer review process with two reviewers from the author’s/authors’ field of expertise. Submissions to "Interventions" and "Notes on Sources" will reviewed by the editorial team. The editors reserve the right to make final decisions regarding publication in the journal.Licences
The following licences are allowed:
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes. NoDerivatives — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material. No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.
Publication Fees
JWSFH does not charge publication fees. Authors are responsible for any charges associated with the securing of publications for images or any other content associated with their submission.
Publication Cycle
JWSFH is published once per calendar year. Calls for Submissions are typically released in the late fall with a spring deadline for all submissions.
Section or article type |
Public Submissions |
Peer Reviewed |
Indexed |
Corrigendum |
Special Feature |
Special Features |
Interventions |
Article |
Notes on Sources |