
Acknowledgments & A Note on Transliteration

  • Absinthe Complit

How to Cite:

Complit, A., (2024) “Acknowledgments & A Note on Transliteration”, Absinthe: World Literature in Translation 29. doi:



Published on
08 Jan 2024

A Note on Transliteration

Hebrew, Yiddish, and Ladino words were transliterated according to the Library of Congress romanization systems. In cases where words in Jewish languages appear within texts that use the Roman alphabet, we have preserved the authors’ spellings. Thus, the Ladino poems written by Juan Gelman and the Yiddish words in Frida Alexandr’s text were not changed to fit standard transliteration systems.

Names of places changed over the course of the twentieth century. For place of publication, we have generally used the current names—thus, Istanbul rather than Constantinople, Mumbai rather than Bombay—except for cases when the authors themselves refer to a place by a certain name, which we have chosen to preserve as they appear in the original texts.


We are grateful to the University of Michigan’s Department of Comparative Literature for its support of the publication of this issue of Absinthe. We also received generous support for this issue from the Frankel Center for Judaic Studies at U-M. Several faculty and students devoted time and thought to the editing of this issue, and we would like to thank especially Júlia Irion Martins, Lena Grimm, and Sam McCracken for their careful and thoughtful work.