• Absinthe Volume 28: Orphaned of Light

    Absinthe Volume 28: Orphaned of Light

    Posted by Absinthe Complit on 2022-12-10

The editors of Absinthe: World Literature in Translation are pleased to announce the launch of our new issue, Orphaned of Light

Edited by Graham Liddell, Absinthe 28 is a collection of contemporary literary works that foreground experiences of migration and refugeehood. The issue highlights new work by Arabophone authors from the US Midwest and from abroad. Additionally, Absinthe 28 features poetry in a bilingual format.

Veteran translators like Marilyn Booth, Nancy Roberts, and Khaled Mattawa contributed to Absinthe 28 alongside relative newcomers to literary translation, including several Michigan graduate students.

Orphaned of Light serves as a reminder that translation and migration are inextricably linked. Its works illustrate many forms of migration—diasporic life, undocumented labor, refugeehood, human trafficking, internal displacement, and exile—often written from the perspective of migrants themselves.

If you are able, please join us in celebrating this publication with a reading and reception on Friday, December 9, 2022 at 2:00pm in the Vandenberg Room of the Michigan League.

This issue is also available for purchase here.


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