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Editor-in-chief update, Summer 2022
Posted by Scott W. H. Young on 2022-08-11

New leadership for Weave

As you might have heard, our Editor-in-Chief Rebecca Blakiston stepped away from libraries to pursue a career improving government digital services. Because of this, she also ended her term with Weave. She will still be working in the UX field as a Senior UX Researcher for …

Weave farewells and welcomes 👋
Posted by Rebecca Blakiston on 2022-01-13

We have a few leadership updates to announce for 2022.

Fond farewells

Lisa Gayhart served as Board Chair for three years. Under her leadership, we held our first Weave Town Hall and Authors Chat. She led the search for our copyeditor and appointed three new board members. Lisa has steered …

Welcome new editors!
Posted by Rebecca Blakiston on 2021-10-20

We're excited to introduce you to our two new editors for Weave!

Berika Williams, Scholarly Submissions


Berika is our new Assistant Editor. She joins Camille Thomas and Scott Young to form our Scholarly Submissions team.

Berika is Emerging Technologies and Web Librarian at Tufts University where she specializes in content …
