Become an Editorial Board Member
The TIA Editorial Board serves to oversee the general health and prosperity of the journal. Among other things, the Board is responsible for the following:
- helps set strategic directions and priorities for TIA;
- ensures overall adherence to ethical and professional publishing standards;
- reviews annually the journal’s governance, aims and scope, manuscript review criteria, and other journal-specific policies;
- reviews applications for new associate editor positions and identifies qualified candidates;
- resolves publisher, author, or reviewer disputes and generally supports the Editorial Team with conflict resolution;
- offers suggestions to the Editorial Team related to special issues topics, potential reviewers, or future editors or Board members;
- helps generally with outreach efforts, which may include recruiting new reviewers, associate editors, and contributing editors; soliciting manuscripts; contributing to POD-sponsored conference sessions; liaising with POD Network committees and special interest groups
The Board consists of at least 12 but no more than 17 members, including ex officio and at-large members, and reflects in composition and commitment TIA’s and the POD Network’s commitments to diversity and equity. The Board is chaired by the current editors-in-chief.
The editors-in-chief, associate editors, immediate past editors-in-chief, and POD Network presidential liaison are voting ex officio Board members. At-large members, which must be equal to or greater than the number of ex officio Board members, have generalist knowledge of educational development, and knowledge of the field’s history, scholarship, theoretical frameworks, and practices. Their broad professional expertise should complement the editorial team’s day-to-day knowledge of managing a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal.
At-large Board members, who must have current membership in the POD Network, are recruited through an open application process and serve 3-year terms.
TIA is currently not soliciting applications for Editorial Board at-large member positions.