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Music & Politics

music & politics

Music and Politics is an open access, peer-reviewed, academic journal first published in 2007.


dialectic Dialectic seeks to publish scholarship, analytical study and criticism that will enlighten and inform a diverse audience of design educators, design researchers and scholars, and design practitioners who are and have been engaging in diverse forms of teaching, research and professional practice, and who are seeking to share and construct new knowledge and understandings in and across these areas.


jcms JCMS: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies is the peer-reviewed, scholarly publication of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies.
media studies cinema film studies

The Journal of Electronic Publishing

the journal of electronic publishing

The Journal of Electronic Publishing (JEP) is an open access journal that publishes research about contemporary scholarly publishing issues and practices. Our contributors and readers are publishers, scholars, librarians, journalists, students, technologists, attorneys, and others with an interest in the methods and means of contemporary publishing.

Journal of Muslim Mental Health

journal of muslim mental health

The Journal of Muslim Mental Health is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed academic journal and publishes articles exploring social, cultural, medical, theological, historical, and psychological factors affecting the mental health of Muslims in the United States and globally. The journal publishes research and clinical material, including research articles, reviews, and reflections on clinical practice.

Media Industries

media industries Media Industries is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that supports critical studies of media industries, institutions, and policies worldwide.

Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning

michigan journal of community service learning

The Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning or MJCSL is an open-access journal focusing on research, theory, pedagogy, and other matters related to academic service-learning, campus-community partnerships, and engaged/public scholarship in higher education. MJCSL is published by the University of Michigan's Edward Ginsberg Center, with support from Michigan Publishing.

Michigan Journal of Medicine

michigan journal of medicine

Welcome to the website for the Michigan Journal of Medicine (MJM). We are a peer-reviewed, medical student-led journal focused on publishing and promoting clinical and scientific biomedical research generated by the members of the University of Michigan to the scientific community at large. The journal’s editorial work is conducted under the guidance of faculty at the University of Michigan Medical School, and the issues are produced in collaboration with Michigan Publishing, a division of the University of Michigan Library.

Currents: Journal of Diversity Scholarship for Social Change

currents: journal of diversity scholarship for social change

Currents, Journal of Diversity Scholarship for Social Change is an open access* multidisciplinary journal that offers cutting-edge diversity scholarship and research to inform researchers, practitioners, leaders, policymakers, and the broader public conversation. All papers undergo a two-part review process including a review by content experts and review for public accessibility.

Currents is the journal of the National Center for Institutional Diversity at the University of Michigan and is published by Michigan Publishing.

* An open access journal means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

Philosophers' Imprint

philosophers' imprint

Philosophers' Imprint is a refereed series of original papers founded by Stephen Darwall and J. David Velleman. The Imprint was founded in the spirit of the Open Access movement, whose mission is to promote a future in which funds currently spent on journal subscriptions are redirected to the dissemination of scholarship for free, via the Internet.

Social Development Issues

social development issues Social Development Issues is a refereed journal of the International Consortium for Social Development (ICSD). It is published three times a year in February, July, and November. It serves as a scholarly forum linking multiple disciplines, nations, and cultures. The journal's purpose is to promote consideration of issues that affect social justice as well as the development and well-being of individuals and their communities. The journal is committed to the advancement of social, cultural, political, and economic theories including policy and practice (and their interrelationship) within a global context.

Ticker: The Academic Business Librarianship Review

ticker: the academic business librarianship review

Sponsored by the Academic Business Libraries Directors (ABLD), Ticker is a forum for the exchange of the research, best practices, and innovative thinking in business librarianship and business library management.

Trans-Asia Photography Review

trans-asia photography review

The Trans-Asia Photography Review is an international refereed journal devoted to the discussion of historic and contemporary photography from Asia. Two issues are published annually, in the fall and spring. Readers can join our email list to be notified additionally about special events pertaining to photography in Asia.

Undergraduate Journal of Public Health

undergraduate journal of public health The Undergraduate Journal of Public Health is a student run publication at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor that works to increase students' awareness of and involvement in public health debates, highlighting local, national, and global public health issues through data- and practice-driven scholarship. ​

University of Michigan Undergraduate Research Journal

university of michigan undergraduate research journal University of Michigan Undergraduate Research Journal is a student-run research journal with a mission to build connections between undergraduate students, graduate students, and the public, as well as among the different academic disciplines, through the publication of non-technical articles in all fields of research.

Weave: Journal of Library User Experience

weave: journal of library user experience

Weave: Journal Of Library User Experience is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal for library user experience (UX) professionals published by Michigan Publishing. More about Weave.

Global Storytelling: Journal of Digital and Moving Images

global storytelling: journal of digital and moving images

Editor-in-Chief: Ying Zhu (Professor, Hong Kong Baptist University)

Global Storytelling: Journal of Digital and Moving Images, housed at the Academy of Film and published by Michigan Publishing, will serve as an international and interdisciplinary forum for intellectual debates concerning the politics, economics, culture, media, and technology of the moving image. This open-access journal invites submissions that emphasize storytelling as a particular field of inquiry across different audiovisual formats, such as documentaries, journalistic videos, personal essays, broadcast series and serial dramas, and user-generated content. The journal is soliciting submissions from humanist scholars, social scientists, leading public intellectuals, policymakers, and film and media practitioners in the form of scholarly papers, thought-provoking short dialogue pieces, and engaging commentaries. The journal aims to engage in cross-border, cross-disciplinary, cross-ideological and cross-cultural inquiry. All articles published in Global Storytelling are available open access at our Articles page.

To submit your works to the journal, please proceed to our Submissions page. Please make sure to read the guidelines.

Global Storytelling also accepts proposals for special issues and guest editorship. Please contact us with your proposals.

Michigan Publishing Services adheres to COPE guidelines

Journal of Practical Ethics

journal of practical ethics

Welcome to the Journal of Practical Ethics, an open access journal in moral and political philosophy (and related areas), published by the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, located at the University of Oxford.

Film Criticism

film criticism Film Criticism is a peer-reviewed, online publication bringing together scholarship in

the field of cinema and media studies since 1975.

Ergo an Open Access Journal of Philosophy

ergo an open access journal of philosophy

Ergo is an open access philosophy journal accepting submissions on all philosophical topics and from all philosophical traditions. This includes, among other things: history of philosophy, work in both the analytic and continental traditions, as well as formal and empirically informed philosophy. Ergo is strongly committed to diversity and especially welcomes submissions from members of groups currently underrepresented in philosophy.

Primary support for Ergo comes from the Syracuse University Philosophy Department. We also gratefully acknowledge contributions from the institutions listed here. Institutions and individuals may contribute here.


Absinthe: World Literature in Translation

absinthe: world literature in translation


Absinthe: World Literature in Translation is a literary magazine that emphasizes publishing works previously untranslated to English. We publish fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. Owned and operated by the Department of Comparative Literature at the University of Michigan, Absinthe is edited by graduate students, as well as by occasional guest editors. 

Purchase our most recent issue, “Brazil with an S,” here.

Conversations Across the Field of Dance Studies

conversations across the field of dance studies

Conversations Across the Field of Dance Studies is an annual publication of Dance Studies Association dedicated to current themes and debates in the field of dance studies. Each issue is edited by (a) different guest editor(s) and is published online in an open access format. As such, Conversations is a venue in which scholars, artists, and educators of dance and related disciplines can respond quickly and publicly to current events and pressing issues as identified by members of an international dance studies community. Conversations publishes a range of formats, such as think pieces, scholarly dialogues, practitioner critical reflections, photo and video essays, poetic reveries, reports from the field, ethnographic considerations, introductions to archival repositories, theoretical provocations, interviews, proceedings from important recent roundtables, and more. The Conversations Editorial Board provides editorial support to the guest editors and editorial review to the issue contents.

Conversations has published annual issues from 2007-present. Prior to 2007, the Society for Dance History Scholars (SDHS) newsletter served as a similar platform for publication.

The Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association

the journal of the abraham lincoln association
The Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association is the most important periodical in the field of Lincoln studies. As a Lincoln biographer, I rely on it heavily for both ideas and information.

David Herbert Donald, Harvard University

The Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association (JALA) is the only academic journal devoted exclusively to Lincoln scholarship. In addition to selected scholarly articles—on Lincoln in the popular media, for example, or British reactions to the War— the journal also features photographs and newly discovered Lincoln letters and documents.

JALA is the official journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association. The journal is published in print by the University of Illinois Press and is made freely available to read online by Michigan Publishing. Online issues are published six months after the print version.

JALA began with vol. 9 (1987) as the successor to the Papers of the Abraham Lincoln Association (ISSN 0195-914X), which was published in vols. 1 to 8 (1979 to 1986) and is also available on this site.

You can also search all ALA publications hosted at the University of Michigan Library.

Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology

philosophy, theory, and practice in biology

Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology (PTPBio) is a peer-reviewed, open-access, online journal that aims to publish work from philosophers of science and theoretically-inclined biologists, and to encourage interactions across disciplinary boundaries. Our goal is to foster a broader conception of what it means to reflect on and analyze biological theory and method, both scientifically and philosophically.

Circus: Arts, Life, and Sciences

circus: arts, life, and sciences

Circus: Arts, Life and Sciences is a non-profit, peer-reviewed, open-access journal that disseminates cutting-edge research and promotes diverse practices in the circus arts across disciplinary boundaries.  

Circus: Arts, Life and Sciences est une revue à comité de lecture publiée en open access et sans but lucratif; son projet consiste à diffuser les recherches de pointe en arts du cirque et à promouvoir un large éventail de pratiques dans un esprit interdisciplinaire.

NASIG Proceedings

nasig proceedings

The NASIG Proceedings is the Open Access publication of the Annual NASIG Conference.

ISSN: 2995-214X

The Great Lakes Botanist

the great lakes botanist

The Great Lakes Botanist (formerly The Michigan Botanist through Volume 55), established in 1962, is the open access, peer-reviewed, quarterly journal of the Michigan Botanical Society.

Performing Arts Resources

performing arts resources

Theatre Library Association’s monograph series, Performing Arts Resources features articles on resource materials in the fields of theatre, popular entertainment, film, television and radio, information on public and private collections, and essays on conservation and collection management of theatre arts materials. PAR also publishes rare historical documents and out-of-print works that might otherwise be lost to theatre scholarship.

PAR is published on an irregular schedule, and distributed to all members of TLA as a benefit of membership. Subscriptions to PAR are available only by contacting TLA directly. Payments via subscription agencies or other vendors are accepted from non-U.S. institutions only.

Copies of the current and most past volumes can be purchased from TLA. Personal and institutional members receive a $10 discount.

Ars Orientalis

ars orientalis

Each fall the Freer and Sackler publishes, with the University of Michigan, a journal of the latest research in art of the Middle East and Asia. Titled Ars Orientalis, the journal is a collection of scholarship that crosses academic disciplines and aims to connect researchers, institutions, and ideas using one central theme per volume.

Saksaha: A Journal of Manchu Studies

saksaha: a journal of manchu studies

Saksaha: A Journal of Manchu Studies is the open-access, peer reviewed journal of the Manchu Studies Group. Its purpose is to advance and promote informed scholarship on all aspects of Manchu studies, including (but not limited to) history, literature, linguistics, philology, anthropology, religious studies, art history, folklore, material culture, and cultural studies. Since 1996, it has been the only journal specifically devoted to Manchu Studies in a European language.

Saksaha is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

manchu studies

The Journal of the Western Society for French History

the journal of the western society for french history

The Journal of the Western Society for French History is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal published once annually in an open-access, online format. JWSFH welcomes submissions from scholars of all backgrounds and career stages, including early-career researchers for whom a submission to JWSFH may be their first experience with the peer-review process and/or publication. JWSFH embraces scholarship about France and the Francophone world that engages a wide variety of methodological and theoretical approaches and emerges from a range of disciplinary backgrounds.

Translating the Americas

translating the americas

A project of the University of Michigan Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Translating the Americas is a digital platform for publication and open access distribution of translations of important, previously published articles and book chapters.

The aim is to support collaborations between members of the University of Michigan faculty and overseas colleagues, to disseminate the research of UM faculty by making it available in Spanish, Portuguese or Kreyol, and to provide and distribute important resources for teaching and research about Latin America and the Caribbean not currently available in English. This effort is supported by a Title VI grant from the United States Department of Education, by the University of Michigan Brazil Initiative (Office of the President), and through a collaboration with Michigan Publishing.

Journal of Glass Studies

journal of glass studies

The Journal of Glass Studies is an annual publication of The Corning Museum of Glass. The Journal was conceived in 1959 to meet the need for the recording of those discoveries, interpretations, acquisitions, and publications that affect the understanding of the history of glassmaking and of glass as an artistic medium from its beginnings to the mid-20th century. Peer-reviewed articles of a scholarly nature include archaeological, early scientific-technical, and art-historical accounts.

Black Music, in Theory

black music, in theory

Black Music, in Theory offers a space for thoughtful scholarship on Black music to incubate and flourish. Our goal is to publish topnotch pieces that treat Black music and musical genres with the dignity, humanity, and care that they deserve.